Statistics Norway

3.1 Resident population
Date, year Resident population Population in urban municipalities2 Percentage population in densely populated areas1 Females to 1 000 males Population density per km2 land area4
Total Densely populated areas1 Sparcely populated areas The whole country Densely populated areas3 Sparcely populated areas
1664-665  440 000 30 000  410 000 30 000 6.8 .. .. .. 1.4
17015  504 000 40 000  464 000 40 000 7.9 .. .. .. 1.6
1 July 17355  616 109 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.0
15 August 17696  723 618 64 747  658 871 64 747 8.9 1 108 1 223 1 097 2.4
1 February 18017  883 603 88 404  795 199 77 642 8.8 1 089 1 153 1 083 2.9
30 April 18158  885 431 86 604  798 827 86 604 9.8 .. .. .. 2.9
27 November 1825 1 051 318  114 198  937 120  114 198 10.9 1 057 1 100 1 052 3.4
29 November 1835 1 194 827  129 002 1 065 825  129 002 10.8 1 041 1 099 1 034 3.9
31 December 1845 1 328 471  206 338 1 122 133  161 875 15.6 1 037 1 154 1 031 4.3
31 December 1855 1 490 047  252 308 1 237 739  197 815 16.9 1 041 1 087 1 035 4.9
31 December 1865 1 701 756  333 485 1 368 271  266 292 19.6 1 036 1 087 1 026 5.5
31 December 1875 1 813 424 9 440 273 91 366 627  332 398 24.4 1 047 1 098 1 037 5.9
31 December 1890 2 000 917  625 417 1 375 500  474 129 31.3 1 073 1 159 1 046 6.5
3 December 1900 2 240 032  800 198 1 439 834  627 650 35.7 1 064 1 163 1 022 7.3
1 December 1910 2 391 782  921 382 1 470 400  689 228 38.5 1 076 1 192 1 024 7.8
1 December 1920 2 649 775 1 200 020 1 449 755  785 404 45.3 1 053 1 175 1 006 8.6
1 December 1930 2 814 194 1 330 217 1 483 977  800 514 47.3 1 051 1 202  997 9.2
3 December 1946 3 156 950 1 581 901 1 575 049  884 097 50.1 1 027 1 164  979 10.3
1 December 1950 3 278 546 1 711 628 1 566 918 1 054 820 52.2 1 017 1 146  961 10.7
1 November 1960 3 591 234 2 052 634 1 538 600 1 152 377 57.2 1 007 1 083  923 11.7
1 November 1970 3 874 133 2 554 913 1 319 220 1 641 315 65.9 1 011 1 041  923 12.6
1 November 1980 104 091 132 2 874 990 1 200 190 1 775 058 70.3 1 018 1 041  923 13.3
3 November 1990 104 247 546 3 056 194 1 166 347 1 890 552 72.4 1 023 1 053  952 13.8
3 November 2001 104 520 947 3 459 591 1 018 639 2 180 379 77.3 1 018 1 042  948 14.8
1  Agglomerations having at least 200 inhabitants and where the distance between the houses as a rule does not exceed 50 metres. Before 1845 cities ("kjøpsteder" and "ladesteder") are considered as densely populated areas, for 1845-1950 also agglomerations outside cities.
2  Before 1970: Cities ("kjøpsteder" and "ladesteder").
3  Before 1960: Cities.
4  Excluding Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
5  Estimated figures. As for 1735, see table 3-13.
6  The population figure is probably about 15 000 too low, see table 3-13.
7  Figures from new preparation of the census.
8  The population figure is probably about 20 000 too low, see table 3-13.
9  Present population.
10  Including population with no information on densely/sparcely populated areas. 1980: 15 952, 1990: 25 005, 2001:42 717 .
Source: Population censuses.
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