Reports 2009/20
Quality report on the Norwegian structure of Earnings Survey 2006
This report covers all the main points related to quality that are normally covered and commented on in connection with the publication of statistics, and in this case statistics on earnings.
This report is a slightly altered version of the quality report that accompanied the data on the Norwegian Structure of Earnings survey 2006 forwarded to Eurostat. The statistics, data and quality reporting are regulated legally through council and commission regulations. The following report is built up and formulated to adhere to the commission regulation (EC) 698/2006 implementing council regulation (EC) 530/1999 as regards the quality evaluation of the structural statistics on earnings. The variables in the report are those defined in the commission regulation (EC) 1738/2005, which covers the definition and transmission of structural statistics on earnings and labour costs.
The report only covers the aspects regulated by the aforementioned regulations, and does not venture into any documentation or analysis of the results from the statistics.
About the publication
- Title
Quality report on the Norwegian structure of Earnings Survey 2006
- Authors
Håvard Hungnes Lien, Svetlana Beyrer, Harald Lunde
- Series and number
Reports 2009/20
- Publisher
Statistisk sentralbyrå
- Topic
Methods and documentation
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Language
- About Reports
Analyses and annotated statistical results from various surveys are published in the series Reports. Surveys include sample surveys, censuses and register-based surveys.
Statistics Norway's Information Centre