Reports 2014/37
Young people neither in paid employment nor in education or training
This publication is in Norwegian only.
This report presents the results for young people currently neither in paid employment nor in education or training (NEET) according to the Labour Force Surveys (LFS). In 2013 this group constituted 7 per cent of the total population aged 15-29, one percentage point higher compared to 2006, and the starting point for this statistics. Among people aged 15-19 years only 2 per cent belonged to NEET, compared to 8 per cent in the group 20-24 and 10 per cent in the group aged 25-29.
There is no significant difference between males and females in the share of NEET, except for the age group 25-29, with a higher share among females (12 per cent compared with 8 per cent for males).
In Greece, Italy and Spain the share of NEET varied between 20 and 30 per cent in 2013. The Netherlands and Norway had the lowest shares with 7 per cent. In Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark the share was 8 per cent.
Using data from administrative registers the number of people in the NEET group becomes a little higher (10.6 per cent compared with 6 per cent using LFS). Within the NEET group 13.5 per cent were registered as unemployed, while 12.5 per cent received work assessment allowance (which allows you to have an income during periods of illness or injuries and need assistance from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, NAV, to return to work). In addition 5.6 per cent received disability pension, and the same share received financial assistance from NAV (social assistance to secure the income on a temporary basis). For more than the half of the people belonging to the NEET group, however, we have no data on their status. Many of these are most likely supported financially by their family.
Of those classified as belonging to the NEET-group in 2008 a total of 20 percent could be classified as NEET in 2012. Close to 40 per cent of those belonging to the group for five consecutive years received a health related benefit.
Among immigrants 25 per cent belonged to the NEET-group in 2012, compared with 12 per cent among Norwegian-born to immigrant parents and 8 per cent among the rest of the population.