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Job vacanciesQ3 2018



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List of Tables
NumberTable titleNew window ExcelCSV
Table 1Job vacanciesfullscreen-iconJob vacanciesexcel-iconJob vacanciescsv-iconJob vacancies
Table 2Job vacancies, seasonally adjustedfullscreen-iconJob vacancies, seasonally adjustedexcel-iconJob vacancies, seasonally adjustedcsv-iconJob vacancies, seasonally adjusted
Table 3Job vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupfullscreen-iconJob vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupexcel-iconJob vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupcsv-iconJob vacancy rate, seasonally adjusted, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each group
Table 4Job vacancies, by major industry divisionfullscreen-iconJob vacancies, by major industry divisionexcel-iconJob vacancies, by major industry divisioncsv-iconJob vacancies, by major industry division
Table 5Job vacancy rate, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupfullscreen-iconJob vacancy rate, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupexcel-iconJob vacancy rate, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each groupcsv-iconJob vacancy rate, by major industry division. Percentage of job vacancies in relation to the number of posts (job vacancies and occupied posts) in each group

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