Wages up NOK 1 100 per month
Labour market and earnings
lonnhelse, Earnings in private health and social services, health personnel, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, ergonomists, social workers, nursery nurses, child welfare officersEarnings and labour costs, Labour market and earnings

Earnings in private health and social services1 October 2006

The 2015 wage statistics for all industrial sections and various areas in the public sector will be released collectively on 3 March 2016 in the statistics Earnings of all employees.



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Wages up NOK 1 100 per month

Full-time employees in private health and social work activities had monthly earnings of NOK 29 500 at 1 October 2006. This was an increase of NOK 1 100 or 3.8 per cent from 1 October 2005.

Health activities include hospital activities, medical practice and dental practice activities as well as physiotherapy treatment and day and night care. Doctors had monthly earnings of NOK 54 800. This was an increase of NOK 2 400 or 4.7 per cent from the previous year. Specialist nurses and midwives had in average monthly earnings of NOK 30 700, an increase of NOK 700 or 2.2 per cent.

Nurses and auxiliary nurses had monthly earnings of NOK 28 100 and NOK 23 300. This was an increase of NOK 800 and NOK 600, respectively.

Social work activities

Social work activities include activities such as running institutions, day care, out-of-school care and youth clubs as well as sheltered workshops and welfare organisations.

A large part of employees in social work activities are associate professionals. In this group we find kindergarten teachers and child care officers. Kindergarten teachers had monthly earnings of NOK 25 300, corresponding to a wage increase of 3.9 per cent, or NOK 900.

Child care officers had average monthly earnings of NOK 28 000. This was an increase of NOK 500, or 1.8 per cent.

In the occupational group sales, service workers and caring activities average monthly earnings were NOK 21 500. This was an increase of NOK 900 or 4.6 per cent.

Annual earnings increased by 3.8 per cent

The estimated annual earnings are estimated by using information from wage statistics from two years and information from wage negotiations. Annual earnings include basic wages and salaries, variable additional allowances, bonuses and commissions and the like, but do not include overtime pay.

Full-time employees in private health and social work activities had annual earnings of NOK 316 400 in 2006, an increase of 3.8 per cent or NOK 11 500 from 2005.

For employees in health activities annual earnings were NOK 350 400, an increase of NOK 12 900 or 3.8 per cent.

In social work activities average annual earnings were NOK 298 600, an increase of NOK

11 300, or 3.9 per cent.

About the statistical basis

The statistics are based on information from a sample of enterprises with a total of 22 499 full-time employees. According to preliminary figures from the National Accounts for the third quarter 2006, the statistics cover approximately 71 700 employees in private health and social work activities.
