Increased domestic debt growth


The twelve-month growth in the credit indicator C2 was 5.3 per cent to end-March, up from 5.1 per cent the previous month.

Figure 1. Credit indicator (C2)

12-month growth 3-month moving average
Mar. 2014 5.7 5.6
Apr.2014 5.6 6
May2014 5.5 5.8
Jun.2014 5.3 5.2
Jul.2014 5.4 5
Aug.2014 5.3 5.3
Sep.2014 5.4 5.6
Oct.2014 5.4 5.9
Nov.2014 5.2 5.5
Dec.2014 5.4 5.3
Jan.2015 5.6 5.2
Feb.2015 5.5 6.0
Mar. 2015 5.8 6.5
Apr.2015 5.7 7.1
May2015 5.9 6.4
Jun.2015 5.8 5.7
Jul.2015 5.7 4.7
Aug.2015 5.8 4.6
Sep.2015 5.5 4.7
Oct.2015 5.5 4.7
Nov.2015 5.4 4.6
Dec.2015 5.4 4.5
Jan.2015 5.3 4.6
Feb.2015 5.2 4.9
Mar. 2016 4.9 5.4
Apr.2016 5.1 5.6
May2016 4.8 5.6
Jun.2016 5.0 5.1
Jul.2016 5.0 4.9
Aug.2016 5.0 4.9
Sep.2016 5.1 5.3
Oct.2016 5.2 5.2
Nov.2016 5.0 4.7
Dec.2016 4.9 4.4
Jan.2017 5.1 4.6
Feb.2017 5.1 5.6
Mar. 2017 5.3

The general public’s gross domestic debt C2 amounted to NOK 5 217 billion at end-March.

Increased debt growth in households

Households’ gross domestic debt totalled NOK 3 110 billion at end-March. The twelve-month growth was 6.8 per cent to end-March, up from 6.6 per cent the month before.

Increased debt growth for non-financial corporations

Non-financial corporations’ gross domestic debt amounted to NOK 1 641 billion at end-March. The twelve-month growth was 2.4 per cent to end-March, up from 2.1 per cent the previous month.

Decreased debt growth for municipal government

Municipal government’s gross domestic debt totalled NOK 467 billion at end-March. The twelve-month growth was 6.2 per cent to end-March, down from 6.4 per cent the month before.

Increased growth in banks and mortgage companies’ loans

Of the general public’s gross domestic debt, 80 per cent consisted of banks and mortgage companies’ loans at end-March. This amounted to NOK 4 180 billion. The twelve-month growth in banks and mortgage companies’ loans was 5.4 per cent to end-March, up from 5.3 per cent the month before.

Increased growth in bond debt

The twelve-month growth rate in bond debt was 9.2 per cent to end-March, up from 5.1 per cent to end-February. The twelve-month growth rate in certificate debt was -13.9 per cent to end-March, down from -2.4 per cent the previous month.