Increased contribution in the AFP-scheme
Banking and financial markets
avtpensj, Agreement Based Pension (AFP) (discontinued), pension benefit, occupational pension, profit and loss account, balance sheetFinancial institutions and other financial corporations, Banking and financial markets

Agreement Based Pension (AFP) (discontinued)2006

This statistics has been discontinued.



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Increased contribution in the AFP-scheme

Pension contribution in The Agreement Based Pension (AFP) scheme increased by 10.5 per cent to NOK 3 028 millions during 2006. The profit on ordinary activities was higher inn 2006 compared with 2005, mainly because of higher earned premiums.

During 2006, pension contribution increased by NOK 289 million, mainly because the number of retired persons was higher in 2006 than in 2005. During 2006, the profit on ordinary activities increased by 79.1 per cent to NOK 115 million Total assets increased by 9.5 per cent to NOK 1 539 million, due to higher receivables and due to the strong development in the security markets throughout 2006.

The Joint Pension under Collective Agreement (FTP) was wound up in 1967. Hence, the agreement does not receive any premiums. The profit on ordinary activities was - NOK 16 million, whereas the total assets were NOK 158 million.


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