Financial institutions (discontinued)Q3 2000

This statistics has been discontinued.


All releases for Financial institutions (discontinued) - quarterly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
3 September 2004 Q2 2004 Lending growth continues
3 June 2004 Q1 2004 Lending growth continues
4 March 2004 Q4 2003 Lending growth continues
4 December 2003 Q3 2003 Lending growth continues
4 September 2003 Q2 2003 Lending continues to increase
5 June 2003 Q1 2003 Decline in growth of lending
6 March 2003 Q4 2002 We still borrow more
5 December 2002 Q3 2002 Lending to the public are still increasing
6 September 2002 Q2 2002 The public still borrow more
7 June 2002 Q1 2002 Lending to the public increased
13 March 2002 Q4 2001 Same lending growth in 2001 as in 2000
20 December 2001 Q3 2001 Diminishing lending growth
17 September 2001 Q2 2001 Lending growth continues
14 June 2001 Q1 2001 Continued lending growth
22 March 2001 Q4 2000 High lending growth