Increase in lending from financial institutions
Banking and financial markets
finansinst, Financial institutions (discontinued), banks, credit institutions, financial enterprises, Central Bank of Norway, state lending institutions, insurance companies, lending, financial instruments (for example shares, bonds, commerical papers)Financial institutions and other financial corporations, Banking and financial markets

Financial institutions (discontinued)Q4 2010

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Increase in lending from financial institutions

The financial institutions’ lending increased by 3.6 per cent to NOK 3 964 billion during the last year. Of this, loans to the public accounted for NOK 3 356 billion. This is an increase of 5.7 percentage points compared to the same quarter last year.

The banks decreased their lending by 1.4 per cent to NOK 2 345 billion during the fourth quarter.

The finance and mortgage companies’ lending to the public (municipalities, non-financial corporations and households) increased by 21.3 per cent to NOK 1 114 billion in the last 12 months.

Increased stock of securities

Investments in securities increased by 10.4 per cent to NOK 2 055 billion during the fourth quarter of 2010 compared to last year. The value of investments in equities, units and primary capital certificates increased by 23.1 per cent, while investments in bonds increased by 6.5 per cent compared to the fourth quarter last year. Bonds still have the largest share of the stock of securities by 61.5 per cent, while equities, units and primary capital certificates account for 29 per cent.

Increase in total assets

Total assets for all financial institutions increased by 4.1 per cent to NOK 6 818 billion compared with the corresponding quarter last year. The total assets in banks decreased by 1.6 per cent, while the total assets in insurance companies and finance companies increased by 7.9 per cent and 17.7 per cent respectively during the same period.

Total assets and total lending to the public from financial institutions. 4th quarter 2009-4th quarter 2010. NOK billion
  4. qu. 2009 1. qu. 2010 2. qu. 2010 3. qu. 2010 4. qu. 2010
  Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending Assets Lending
Total    6 551    3 163    6 700    3 213    7 052    3 285    6 847    3 308    6 818    3 356
Norges Bank  376 1  401 1  459 1  435 1 1 1
Banks 3 698 1 993 3 643 1 920 3 837 1 939 3 654 1 973 3 639 1 967
State lending institutions  235  220  241  226  241  227  242  228  245  230
Finance companies 1 269  907 1 406 1 022 1 490 1 071 1 482 1 060 1 488 1 114
Insurance companies  973 42 1 009 44 1 025 47 1 034 46 1 051 43