This is an archived release.
Increased premiums for life insurance
In 2007, life insurance companies increased their gross premiums written by 13 per cent from the year before. Non-life insurance companies experienced a decrease of 3 per cent in their earned premiums.
For the non-life insurance industry the nominal growth in earned premiums was NOK 1.4 billion in 2007. The growth in claims incurred was NOK 461 million, an increase of 2 per cent compared with the previous year. For non-life insurance the trend within higher nominal growth in earned premiums than in claims incurred was broken.
The distribution of the premiums between insurance classes remained relatively stable during 2007. Property insurance services and accident insurance services however, decreased their share of earned premiums by 10 and 18 per cent, respectively.
Increased premiums in life insurance
The life insurance industry experienced an increase in gross premiums written of NOK 8 billion in 2007, an increase of 13 per cent from the year before. At the same time gross claim payment increased by NOK 22.6 billion, an increase of 60 per cent from 2006.
Group pension services paid the largest share of the premiums written, about 70 per cent. At the same time this insurance class only got 30 per cent of the gross claim payment.
The statistics is now published as Life and non-life insurance companies, accounts.
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