Record net sales in mutual funds shares
Banking and financial markets
vpfondk, Mutual funds, quarterly figures, fund types (for example mutual fund, bond fund, money market fund), mutual fund shares capital, stocks, net subscriptionsSecurities markets , Banking and financial markets

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ4 2008



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Record net sales in mutual funds shares

Investors sold mutual funds shares for NOK 28.7 billion more than they purchased in the fourth quarter of 2008. Never before have the total net purchases been so high. It was particularly in money market funds and equity funds that the investors reduced owner shares.

Stocks of mutual funds shares in total and by types of mutual funds. Market value in NOK million

Stocks of mutual funds shares by holding sectors as of 31 December 2008

Investors’ net sale of mutual funds shares was NOK 19 billion in money market funds, NOK 10 billion in equity funds and NOK 206 million in hybrid funds. Bond funds were the only type of fund in which there were net purchases; these amounted to NOK 822 million.

The high net sales contributed to the total mutual funds shares capital being reduced by about NOK 58 billion to NOK 317.3 billion from the third quarter to the fourth quarter of 2008. This amounts to a decrease of 15.5 per cent and is the second quarter in a row where the total value of mutual funds shares fell in value.

Investors reduce ownership in money market funds

Households, private enterprises and life insurance companies were the sectors with the highest net sales of mutual funds shares in money market funds. Their net sales were NOK 6.4, 5.3 and 2.1 billion respectively. These high net sales may be the result of investors losing on investments in money market funds due to the high increases in the money market rate of interest. In such situations it is natural for some investors to seek out investment alternatives that give a higher rate of return. During times of trouble, households may also have wanted to move their investments from these funds to a safer alternative such as deposits in banks. The statistics for financial corporations showed that households placed considerable amounts of funds in bank deposits in December 2008.

Households and private enterprises’ net purchases of mutual funds in the same period were NOK 1.4 and NOK 1 billion respectively. Conversely, life insurance companies’ net sales of shares in mutual funds totalled NOK 8.1 billion, but net purchases in bond funds were NOK 1.7 billion. This could indicate that companies in the life insurance sector have wanted to reduce the risk that their investments are exposed to. Such a move to safer securities is also confirmed in the statistics securities registered with the VPS for the fourth quarter, where the life insurance companies invested in safer interest-bearing securities such as bonds and short-term bonds.

Weaker currency reduced losses

The high volatility in the currency market during the fourth quarter resulted in the Norwegian currency falling in value in comparison with many other currencies, and particularly against the large currencies such as US dollars and the Euro. This affected the value of the securities owned by the fund in other countries. The value of bonds issued abroad increased by NOK 3 billion or approximately 10 per cent to NOK 33 billion. This increase is for the most part caused by a weaker Norwegian currency. The funds’ investments in foreign stocks fell from NOK 113.7 billion in the third quarter to NOK 90 billion in the fourth quarter. The fall in value of these investments is likely to have been greater if the Norwegian currency had not been reduced relative to other currencies.

Little change in ownership

Despite the high net sales throughout the quarter, life insurance companies were still the largest owner in mutual funds, with a share of 29.5 per cent. Households’ owner share was somewhat reduced to 25.8 per cent. Foreign investors owned NOK 31.3 billion of the total mutual funds shares at the end of the fourth quarter, or 9.9 per cent.

Mutual funds shares capital and net purchases. Market value in NOK million
  Q3 2007 Q4 2007 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008
General government            
Mutual funds shares capital capital 15 815      15 702      14 192      14 333      13 925      12 997
Net purchases -629 -301 -646 -253  102 -752
Financial corporations            
Mutual funds shares capital  184 711  206 814  186 465  189 603  179 156  151 825
Net purchases 2 716 21 265 -760  698 5 121 -15 540
Non-financial corporations            
Mutual funds shares capital 58 494 57 876 58 259 54 042 46 857 39 336
Net purchases 1 628 -757 3 598 -4 511 -3 798 -5 100
Mutual funds shares capital  134 596  131 084  114 948  116 035 98 120 81 865
Net purchases  927 -2 836 -3 386 -2 177 -2 805 -6 109
Rest of the world            
Mutual funds shares capital 45 919 44 835 40 483 44 963 37 411 31 318
Net purchases 5 338  227  849 4 209 -1 132 -1 172
Mutual funds shares capital  439 535  456 311  414 347  418 976  375 469  317 341
Net purchases 9 980 17 598 -345 -2 034 -2 512 -28 673