Investors preferred bond funds
Banking and financial markets
vpfondk, Mutual funds, quarterly figures, fund types (for example mutual fund, bond fund, money market fund), mutual fund shares capital, stocks, net subscriptionsSecurities markets , Banking and financial markets
The statistics provides an overview of Norwegian registered mutual funds, with a focus on share capital, owner sector, transactions and the mutual funds’ assets.

Mutual funds, quarterly figuresQ3 2014



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Investors preferred bond funds

The total value of Norwegian mutual fund shares went up by NOK 17.9 billion to a total of NOK 897.7 billion during the third quarter of 2014. Investors bought fund shares for NOK 20.2 billion. During the quarter, the value of bond fund shares had the largest increase of all mutual fund shares.

Mutual funds shares capital and net purchases. Market value (NOK million)
4th quarter 20131st quarter 20142nd quarter 20143rd quarter 2014
All sectors
Mutual funds shares capital725 849823 876879 748897 691
Net purchases/sales-3 44098 14018 63520 147
General government
Mutual funds shares capital13 56313 28513 67613 129
Net purchases/sales506-87-24-383
Financial corporations
Mutual funds shares capital408 144502 463533 903551 955
Net purchases/sales-10 19092 01812 21614 661
Non-financial corporations
Mutual funds shares capital59 77664 39766 69965 685
Net purchases/sales3 5474 4161 027-717
Mutual funds shares capital116 078115 013123 572122 987
Net purchases/sales-115-421957815
Non-profit institutions serving households
Mutual funds shares capital23 18724 15526 51427 474
Net purchases/sales2141 0891 231856
Rest of the world
Mutual funds shares capital104 895104 378115 246116 315
Net purchases/sales2 6941 1203 2224 897
Unspecified sector
Mutual funds shares capital206185138146
Net purchases/sales-965618

Investors net bought bond fund shares for NOK 12.6 billion and equity fund shares for NOK 4.8 billion in the third quarter of 2014. Investors also net bought other bond fund shares worth NOK 2.8 billion.

Increase in the value of bond funds

During the third quarter of 2014, the value of the bond fund shares had the largest increase by NOK 15.1 billion or 6.3 per cent. The value of other bond fund shares increased by NOK 3.1 billion or 4.5 per cent, while the value of the equity fund shares went down by NOK 0.9 billion or 0.2 per cent.

Life insurance companies net purchased

Life insurance companies and pension funds’ net bought mutual fund shares amounted to NOK 11.5 billion in the third quarter of the year. NOK 8.1 billion of this amount was bond fund shares.

Foreign investors and households net purchased

Foreign investors net bought mutual fund shares for NOK 4.9 billion during the third quarter of 2014, the largest part of which was made up of equity funds amounting to NOK 2.5 billion.

The household sector net purchased mutual fund shares for NOK 0.8 billion in the third quarter of 2014. This sector net bought other bond fund shares, hybrid fund shares and bond fund shares for a total amount of NOK 1.6 billion, and net sold equity fund shares, money market fund shares and other fund shares for NOK 0.8 billion.