Statistical yearbook Årg. 121
Statistical yearbook of Norway 2002
The Statistical Yearbook of Norway is a useful reference work – an encyclopaedia in numbers – at home, in schools, and in professional contexts.
The Statistical Yearbook of Norway is a useful reference work – an encyclopaedia in numbers – at home, in schools, and in professional contexts. With the help of 670 tables, graphs and maps, Statistics Norway presents a cross-section of updated information about the Norwegian society in a form most people can use.
About the publication
- Title
Statistical yearbook of Norway 2002
- Series and number
Statistical yearbook Årg. 121
- Publisher
Statistics Norway : Gnist Akademika [commission]
- Topic
Population count
- ISBN (printed)
- Number of pages
- Language
- About Statistical yearbook
Statistical Yearbook of Norway presents the main tables and figures from official statistics. It also contains a number of historical tables that go back to the 19th century, especially the 2000 edition. The Statistical Yearbook was published in Norwegian and French until 1952, thereafter it was published in Norwegian and English, and in separate Norwegian and English editions after 1996. The publication was discontinued in 2013.
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