This is Norway 2020
This is Norway presents statistics from a variety of areas and seeks to give an overview of Norwegian society and its developments in recent years.
We are surrounded by statistics and information about Norwegian society. However, it is not always clear what the figures tell us. Figures must be compared, and differences, correlations and trends must be described and interpreted.
In This is Norway Statistics Norway presents statistics from a variety of areas and seeks to give an overview of Norwegian society and its developments in recent years.
"This is Norway" is free of charge and can be ordered by e-mail:
About the publication
- Title
This is Norway 2020
- Author
Ingrid Modig
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Topics
Births and deaths, Dwelling and housing conditions , Income and wealth, Living conditions , Tertiary education, General elections, Level of education, Municipal council and county council elections, Energy , Oil and gas , Health services , Consumption, National accounts , Social security and benefits , Primary and lower secondary schools, Service activities , Employment , Children, families and households, Culture, Pollution and climate, Population count, Aquaculture , Time and media use, Upper secondary schools, Crime and justice, Land transport
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- Language
- About Booklets
Small publications about broad and popular topics.
Ingrid Modig
Statistics Norway's Information Centre