Women and men in Norway 2018
- Publications archive
- Women and men in Norway
Who are the women and men in Norway? Statistics Norway presents similarities and differences between women and men in Norway within areas of society we can describe with statistics in Women and men in Norway.
This publication is only available in pdf.
About the publication
- Title
Women and men in Norway 2018
- Author
Karin Hamre (ed.)
- Publisher
Statistics Norway
- Topics
Births and deaths, Health conditions and living habits, Income and wealth, Earnings and labour costs, Tertiary education, General elections, Level of education, Municipal council and county council elections, Immigrants , Employment , Children, families and households, Culture, Gender equality , Time and media use, Upper secondary schools, Crime and justice
- ISBN (online)
- ISBN (printed)
- About Booklets
Small publications about broad and popular topics.
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