469 000 married couples with children
familie, Families and households, household types (for example living alone, couples with/without children), private households, household size, family types (for example married couples with/without children, mother/father with children, cohabitants with children), single, parents' cohabitation arrangements, single parents, step parents, siblings (e.g. brother/sister, half brother/sister and step brother/sister), only child.Children, families and households, Population

Families and households1 January 2005



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469 000 married couples with children

The number of married couples with children living at home amounted to 469 200 at 1 January 2005 - 5 350 fewer than in the year before. The number of married couples without children living at home was 358 000 and the total of cohabitating couples with common children increased by 4 300 to 107 600.

Families, by type of family per 1 January. Children of all ages. 1989-2005

About the family statistics

Statistics Norway cannot identify cohabitant couples without common children. That is the reason why only statistics for married couples with and without children at home and cohabitating couples with at least one child are produced. Family types that cannot be identified are singles, cohabitating couples without common children, mother with children and father with children. These groups represent 1 609 300 people.
