107 000 with refugee background in Norway
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
flyktninger, Persons with refugee background, refugees, principal applicants, resettlement refugees, quota refugees, asylum cases, asylum seekers, family reunification, marriage establishment, country backgroundImmigrants , Population, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Persons with refugee background1 January 2005



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107 000 with refugee background in Norway

At the beginning of January 2005, Norway's refugee population counted over 107 000 people, or 2.3 per cent of the entire Norwegian population. Refugees from Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, Iran and Vietnam made up the largest groups.

Refugees, by refugee status. 1 January 2005

76 per cent of the refugee population were registered as principal applicants while 24 per cent came to Norway as dependants. 54 per cent of the principal applicants were registered as asylum seekers and 24 per cent as transfer refugees.

Refugees1, by country background.
1 January 2005
Country 1 January 2005
Total  107 208
Iraq 14 335
Bosnia-Herzegovina 12 073
Somalia 11 534
Iran 10 628
Vietnam 10 577
Serbia and Montenegro 7 953
Sri Lanka 5 733
Afghanistan 4 715
Chile 4 643
Russia 2 504
Turkey 2 102
Croatia 1 821
Ethiopia 1 815
Eritrea 1 321
Pakistan 1 214
Poland  961
Rest 13 279
1  The definition "refugee" refers to persons
resident in Norway, who have come to
Norway because of flight (family included).
Children born in Norway to refugees are
not included.
