Population growth in 2014 similar to 2013
Population;Population;Immigration and immigrants
folkemengde, Population, population, inhabitants, mean population, increase in population, marital status (for example married, single, divorced), age, sexPopulation, Children, families and households, Population count, Population, Immigration and immigrants

Population1 January 2015, estimated figures

In December each year, Statistics Norway calculates the projected population for the New Year. These figures are only applicable in the period from December to February, with final figures being published in February .



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Population growth in 2014 similar to 2013

The population of Norway is expected to reach about 5 167 000 persons by the end of 2014. This figure represents a population growth of 57 900 persons. This will be 100 higher than in 2013, but 7 500 lower than the peak year 2011. It is still far higher than in the years prior to 2007, when labour immigration, especially from Poland – but also from other countries – saw a sharp increase.

Estimated population growth and population. The whole country and the ten largest municipalities.
Population 1st January. Final figuresEstimated population growthEstimated population 31st DecemberEstimated population growth.Per cent
Corrected 7. January 2015.
The whole country5 109 05657 9135 166 9691.1
Fredrikstad77 59156178 1520.7
Bærum118 5882 036120 6241.7
Oslo634 46313 447647 9102.1
Drammen66 21491567 1291.4
Kristiansand85 9831 58787 5701.8
Sandnes71 9001 71573 6152.4
Stavanger130 7541 406132 1601.1
Bergen271 9493 130275 0791.2
Trondheim182 0353 025185 0601.7
Tromsø71 5901 08272 6721.5

Net immigration main reason for population increase

Sixty-eight per cent of the population growth in 2014 will be from a migration surplus from abroad, and 32 per cent will be due to the birth surplus. In the mid 1990s, birth surplus was the main reason for the population growth, constituting almost 70 per cent of the total growth.

An expected migration surplus from abroad of 39 600 will be 500 lower than in 2013, and 3 000 lower than the average for the last seven years, but much higher than it was during the years preceding 2006. Before 1970, some years showed a migration loss to abroad.

A birth surplus of 18 300 will be 600 higher than last year, but 2 100 lower than in the peak year 2009. It is still higher than in the years between 1975 and 2007. For part of the 1980s, the figure was very low, and in 1985 was just 6 750.

Continuing growth in central populated areas, and especially in Oslo

Population growth in the big cities and central areas continues. The counties of Oslo, Akershus, Rogaland and Hordaland combined make up 61 per cent of the growth. Growth in Rogaland and Hordaland in 2014 is expected to be lower than in 2013. However, the growth in Oslo of 10 500 persons in 2013 is expected to increase to 13 400 persons in 2014, which will be the third largest growth ever.

About the estimation Open and readClose

The population is estimated for the country as a whole and at county and municipality level. It is based on information from the population register, using data on births, deaths and migration up to 1 December 2014. The population growth in December is estimated using approximately the same relative growth as in December 2013. If the level of births, deaths and migration changes markedly in December this year compared to last year, the population will vary correspondingly.

For some municipalities, estimated figures as of 1 January 2015 may thus seem to break with the trend so far this year, but this is due to the estimation method used. This is especially visible in small municipalities, where the figures must be regarded as a preliminary estimate.