This is an archived release.
Further increase in emigration
The population grew by 13 600 in the 2nd quarter to a total of 5 236 800 as per 1 July. Out- migration during the 2nd quarter reached new heights, but net migration from abroad saw a further increase of 1 000 compared to the corresponding quarter last year.
2nd quarter 2016 | 2nd quarter 2015 | Changes from same period previous year | |
Population at the beginning of the quarter | 5 223 256 | 5 176 998 | 46 258 |
Births | 15 812 | 15 807 | 5 |
Deaths | 9 532 | 9 655 | -123 |
Excess of births | 6 280 | 6 152 | 128 |
Immigration | 15 652 | 14 103 | 1 549 |
Emigration | 8 362 | 7 818 | 544 |
Net migration, immigration and emigration incl | 7 290 | 6 285 | 1 005 |
Population growth | 13 570 | 12 437 | 1 133 |
Population at the end of the quarter | 5 236 826 | 5 189 435 | 47 391 |

The 13 600 growth in population is 1 100 higher than in the 2nd quarter last year. The increase is due to a larger growth in in-migration than out-migration. In addition, we saw a small growth in the excess of births of 100. This was due to fewer deaths in the 2nd quarter this year compared to the corresponding quarter last year.
The number of in-migrations from abroad increased by just over 1 500 compared to the 2nd quarter last year, which is due to the fact that asylum seekers who came last year are now included in the figures for immigrants. At the same time, the number of out-migrations rose by 500. Compared to the first 6 months last year we still see a decrease of 800 in the population growth so far this year. This is due to a relatively large decline in the in-migration in the 1st quarter this year compared to the corresponding quarter last year. So far this year we have a decline of 1 900 in the net migration from abroad, while the excess of births has risen by 1 100.
Large in-migration from Syria
Net migration of citizens from Eastern Europe, who mainly immigrate due to labour, is slowing down, while net migration from countries with conflicts is increasing. In the 2nd quarter, 2 900 in-migrations of Syrian citizens were registered. We also saw a large increase in the immigration of Eritrean citizens. Very few citizens from these countries emigrated. The immigration of Poles and Lithuanians continues to slow down. Simultaneously, we still see quite a few emigrations of citizens from these countries.
Second-quarter net migration from Sweden has been negative ever since 2011. It was not until 2015 that we started to see negative figures for this group in some of the other quarters. However, in the first quarter of 2016 we once again saw a positive figure of 58 more in-migrations than out-migrations from Sweden, while 271 more Swedish citizens left than came to Norway in the 2nd quarter.
Population growth in all counties
All counties in Norway had a growth in population in the 2nd quarter. This was mainly due to the in-migration surplus from abroad. However, the excess of births is now contributing relatively more to the population growth than was the case some years ago. In five counties, the excess of births contributed more to the population growth than the net migration.
Short-term stays and asylum seekersOpen and readClose
Persons who stay in Norway for less than 6 months are not included in the figures. Asylum seekers are included when they are granted a residence permit. Figures for asylum seekers can be found on the UDI website.
Clearing-up in the Central Population RegisterOpen and readClose
The Tax Administration continuously updates the Central Population Register to reflect the status of persons who no longer live in Norway. These updates have been standard practice in recent years.
Magnus Haug
tel.: (+47) 40 81 14 91
Karstein Sørlien
tel.: (+47) 47 70 16 35
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tel.: (+47) 95 47 97 47
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tel.: (+47) 46 66 37 74
Espen Andersen
tel.: (+47) 92 61 00 46
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