Population;Immigration and immigrants

Immigration regulation - StatRes (discontinued)2010


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Immigration regulation - StatRes (discontinued)
Topic: Population

Responsible division

Division for Population Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Own production: Indicates the costs a body has and which are used to carry out activities and produce services. Consists of wage costs, purchase of goods and services and capital costs. Data on capital costs, i.e. depreciation, amortisation and imputed interest as a result of tied-up capital, is not available for the majority of bodies included in StatRes, including the UDI and UNE. Capital costs are not therefore included in the calculation of the figures for own production. Since the bodies within the sub-area only lease the premises that they use, the remaining costs for depreciation, amortisation and tied-up capital are probably so marginal that the lack of data has little bearing on the calculation of own production. The basis for the figures is items 1-29 in the national accounts. Costs of purchasing goods and services that replace the bodies’ own production of corresponding services, however, are not included in own production. Such costs are instead included in transfers . This means that the UDI’s costs when buying places from private and municipal refugee reception centres are classified as transfers (see the paragraph on transfers below).

Estimated contributions to Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund: In conformity with most other employers in public administration, the UDI and UNE do not pay pension contributions directly to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, where the employees are members. These contributions are instead paid through a collective transfer from the Treasury to the Pension Fund. Since these contributions are not included in the recognised wage costs, the recognised wage costs show a lower level than is actually the case. A 15 per cent mark-up is therefore added to the recognised wage costs (excluding recognised employer’s national insurance contributions), which roughly corresponds to the level that directly paying bodies charge to their accounts. A corresponding mark-up is made in StatRes for all bodies that do not have pension premium costs included in their accounts.

Purchase of goods and services: Covers the value of applied input goods and services in the production. The basis for the figures is the recognised amounts in items 1-29, sub-items 21-29, ref. R101.

Transfers: Covers subsidies and other cash transfers to the private and municipal sector, i.e. items 60-79 in the national accounts. The basis for the figures is the recognised amounts in these items. Transfers of the purchase of goods and services that are not included in the production are also included here, ref. the aforementioned description of own production and purchase of goods and services. Within immigration regulation, transfers consist of payments to refugee reception centres run by the private and municipal sector.

Investments : Acquisitions and major maintenance work in connection with property, or major acquisitions of fixed assets. The basis for the figures is the recognised amounts in items 30-49, ref. R101. Any income from corresponding sales is deducted.


Activities and services and results




Processed cases

Cases where the UDI has issued a decision. With regard to asylum cases, only one decision is counted per case. For other cases, the initial decision on the case is counted in addition to the processing of any appeals received.


Asylum applications

Applications for protection and recognition as a refugee. Only covers applications that are submitted in Norway.


Resettlement refugees

Cases that cover refugees who are allowed to come to Norway in accordance with an organised arrangement, normally in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). On the government’s recommendation, the Storting sets annual quotas for how many resettlement refugees Norway can accept.


Other cases

Other cases include cases relating to the Public Administration Act, expulsion cases and cases relating to identity.  In UDI Other cases includes travel documents.


Work and residence

Applications for work permits where the purpose of the stay is to work in Norway.  Permits granted in accordance with EEA regulations are included.


Permanent residence

Applications for permits based on a person having been in Norway for three years with a valid residence or work permit which forms the basis for such permission. The permit entitles the holder to permanent residence and general entitlement to accept work in Norway.


Family immigration

Applications for permits where the applicant is or will be a close family member of a Norwegian national or a foreign national who is legally domiciled in Norway.



Application for Norwegian citizenship.



Application for permits where the applicant is to study in Norway. Also includes applications for au pair permits and apprentice/trainee permits.



Cases where consideration is given to whether a foreign national must leave Norway and can only return if special criteria are met. As a general rule, the decision is also valid in other countries covered by the Schengen agreement, and for a minimum of two years.



Applications to stay in Norway for a specific period of time, normally up to three months. Visas are normally granted for just one visit, but may be granted for more. During the period that the visa is valid, the applicant is also entitled to visit other countries in the Schengen area.



Various types of permits and citizenship are granted by the UDI. With regard to residence cases, only cases where the UDI granted a permit after the initial processing are included. Permits granted by the UDI on appeal are not included. For asylum applications, permits granted by the UDI after initial rejection are included.


Processing time

Shows the median in number of days. The time is calculated from when the case was initially registered with the UDI until the first decision is made in the case. For asylum cases, the processing time is calculated from the application date.


Unit costs

The average cost per case within a specific type of case. Based on a breakdown of costs (ref. section 3.6) and the number of cases on which a decision has been issued by the UDI. For asylum cases, only one decision per case is counted. For other cases, the initial decision in the case is counted in addition to the processing of any appeals received. The unit costs are calculated by the UDI and not by Statistics Norway.

Approvals in the immigration administration

Includes decisions by the police, UDI and UNE. Various types of permits are renewable, but such renewals are not included in the figures. As from 1 October 2009, nationals from non-Nordic EEA countries, excluding Bulgaria and Rumania, no longer need a permit to stay in Norway. Rumanian and Bulgarian nationals needed until 15 June 2012 a residence permit for stays longer than 3 months.

Kroatia became member of the EU 1 July 2013, however not member of the EEA before 1 January 2014.


Processed appeals

The number of appeals processed by the UNE against decisions made by the UDI.


Processed requests for decision reversals

A request for a decision reversal after an appeal is not upheld is in the form of a letter to the UNE, where the UNE is requested to reverse the decision. It is the content of such a request that determines whether it is appropriate to change an earlier decision. New information, new documentation, new circumstances – all of these help determine whether something should be considered which has not been considered previously.

All cases are included; appeals cases and requests for decision reversals. (Note: one person can have more than one case.)


Method of decision when processing cases in the UNE

The methods of decision in the UNE are regulated in Section 78 of the Immigration Act. The following methods of decision are used:

  • Grand board hearing with appellant present (where the appellant is present in person).

  • Grand board hearing without appellant (where the decision is made without the appellant being present).

  • Appeals board hearing. Consists of a board leader and two board members. One board member is selected from those appointed on the recommendation of humanitarian organisations. One member is selected from those appointed on the recommendation of the ministry with overall responsibility for the immigration administration; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The final member is selected from the Norwegian Association of Lawyers. The meetings can be set with or without the appellants in attendance.

  • Board leader. Cases without any major areas of dispute can be determined by a board leader after preparations by the legal secretariat.

  • Legal secretariat. Cases without any major areas of dispute can also be delegated to the legal secretariat. All cases are reviewed by two persons.

  • Grand board hearing. Cases can be determined in the grand board hearing where there are special grounds. Three board leaders and four permanent board members make up the grand board hearing. Two of these are appointed on the recommendation of humanitarian organisations and two are selected from those appointed on the recommendation of the ministry with overall responsibility for the immigration administration; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Association of Lawyers and the humanitarian organisations. The meetings can be set with or without the appellants in attendance.


Request for decision reversal

Request for the UNE to reconsider a case after the final decision.


Processing time

The processing time is calculated from the date an appeal is registered with the UNE until it is decided by the UNE. The UNE reports the average processing time for appeals cases. The processing time for requests for decision reversals is not included in the average processing time, but would in that case contribute to a reduction [T2] since the UNE prioritises these cases.


Related indicators


Voluntary returns (IOM)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is the leading inter-governmental organisation in the field of migration. The IOM carries out a number of projects commissioned by the UDI in close collaboration with other authorities and organisations, both in Norway and in the immigrants’ native countries.

Forced returns, by police

Persons who are illegally domiciled in Norway can apply to the UDI for economic and practical assistance to return to their native country. The police have the authority to forcibly return asylum seekers to another country in Europe where the asylum application is to be processed there. Policy may also return previous asylum seekers to their native country, as well as others who are illegally domiciled in Norway and who do not leave voluntarily.

Number of immigrations to Norway

The population statistics show the number of immigrations as they are registered in the population register. The requirements for qualifying as registered as domiciled in the population register are that the intention exists to stay in Norway for at least six months, to have a fixed abode, to demonstrate sufficient funds for a six-month stay and to be in possession of the registry certificate or permit that is needed for the relevant category of citizenship or family unification.

First-time immigration is defined here as immigration by persons who have not been domiciled in Norway previously. By this definition, all foreign-born (and only foreign-born) persons have had one first-time immigration. The term “first-time immigration´´ therefore refers to persons as the unit (first-time immigrants), and this is coterminous with the category “foreign-born´´.

Immigration undertaken by persons who have previously lived in Norway is referred to as re-entry to Norway, and includes Norwegian-born persons who return after their first period of emigration and everyone who has immigrated to Norway at least once before (both Norwegian-born and foreign-born).

Norwegian nationals and other Nordic nationals do not need a residence permit or any other permit from the immigration administration, and when they are or will be domiciled in Norway they are registered only in the population register.

As from 1 October 2009, nationals from EEA countries and Switzerland, and their family members with other citizenship (“third country nationals´´) have the right of residence in Norway, and do not therefore need a residence permit. However, they need to register with the immigration administration, attend the police offices and receive a certificate of registry/residence card. If they want to live in Norway for at least six months they must go to the population register office and submit their certificate of registry.

Rumanian and Bulgarian nationals needed until 15 June 2012 a residence permit for stays longer than 3 months.  Kroatia became member of the EU 1 July 2013, however not member of the EEA before 1 January 2014.

All non-Nordic nationals before October 2009, and from then on all persons who are not Nordic nationals or covered by the EEA regulations, must apply to the immigration administration for a residence permit. In order to be registered as immigrated in the population register, they must present a residence permit that is valid for at least six months.

Standard classifications

Not relevant.

Administrative information

Regional level

Not relevant

Frequency and timeliness


International reporting



Not relevant


Background and purpose

The objective of StatRes is to present statistics on central government input, the results in terms of activities and services, and the outcomes of the input. The purpose of such statistics is to give the general public and the authorities improved knowledge of state-run activities. StatRes is developed upon commission by the Ministry of Government Administration, Reform and Church affairs.

Users and applications

StatRes’ target group are users of statistics with some knowledge of and interest in central government activities who require information on resource use, activities, services and outcomes of state activities. Such users could be the general public, the media, politicians, pupils and students. StatRes shall also provide the authorities with information which supplements other information used in the governing of central government activities.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

Input measured in contracted man-years:

Statistics Norway does not publish other particular statistics on employment in the immigration regulation, but the employees are included in Statistics Norway’s general register-based employment statistics where the employees and their contracted working hours are only counted in the enterprise where the employee performs her/his main position. StatRes also includes second jobs, in addition to 1) inclusion of employees more than 74 years old, 2) inclusion of employees on a short-term stay in Norway and 3) subtraction of doctor-certified absence and parental leave.

Legal authority

1.6. Legal authority The Statistics Act §§ 2-2 and 3-2.

EEA reference




The statistics cover the activity in the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) and the Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board (UNE), see also section 3.6. The UDI has overall professional responsibility for immigration regulation and coordinates the work undertaken in the field of immigration. The UNE deals with appeals against the UDI’s decisions and acts as an independent administrative body when making decisions in such cases.

This is a relatively narrow delimitation of immigration regulation. The following bodies also have certain dealings with immigration regulation:

  • The police districts receive and prepare applications for residence permits, travel documents, permanent residence and citizenship. In some types of cases, the police districts can also grant permits where it is clear that the criteria have been met.
  • The International Police Immigration Service (PU) registers asylum seekers and investigates their identity and travel route. The PU is also responsible for the extradition of persons who are not legally domiciled in Norway.
  • The foreign service missions receive various types of applications and process the majority of visa applications. The foreign service missions help the UDI to collect and control data and documents in residence and asylum cases.
  • The Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) has overall responsibility for implementing the integration policy, such as the settlement of refugees and the follow-up of the Introduction Act. The most important policy instrument is the subsidies to the local authorities that are responsible for the operational work in settlement etc.
  • The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufetat) is responsible for the settlement and care offer to single, minor asylum seekers under the age of 15. Bufetat works together with the IMDi in the settlement of single, minor asylum seekers who are permitted to stay in Norway.
  • The Ministry of Justice and the Police is the superior ministry for the UDI and UNE, and has overall responsibility for the refugee and immigration policy.
  • The Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion is responsible for the Norwegian Nationality Act and the integration policy, and is also the superior ministry for both the IMDi and Bufetat.
  • The Ministry of Labour is responsible for labour immigration.

Although these agencies also undertake certain activities within immigration regulation, they are classified as other service groups in StatRes. The input to these agencies within immigration regulation is therefore not included in the figures. Some of the activities carried out by the police are given as related indicators.

Data sources and sampling

Input measured in NOK:

Expenditure figures are based on data reported from UDI og UNE to The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management (DFØ) in connection with the preparation of the state accounts (Report no. 3 to the Storting).

Input measured in contracted man-years:

Register-based employment statistics in Statistics Norway are based on individual register data from various registers. Information related to employees and agreed working hours per week is mainly collected from the Nav State Register of Employers and Employees, the End of the Year Certificate Register, the Tax Register (the Directorate of Taxes), and payroll registers. The Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities in Brønnøysund and Statistics Norway’s Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises provide data on industries and sectors for enterprises and underlying establishments. NAV’s register of participants in labour market initiatives, recipients of parental benefits and doctor-certified absence are also included. The employment statistics is therefore based on a number of different sources. Statistics Norway has developed a system for common utilization of these sources. Work is currently underway to ascertain the degree of input using overtime.

Activities and services and results:

Statistics on activities and services are based on individual-based register data from the UDI’s Aliens Register , while statistics on the UNE’s activities and services are taken from registration systems in the UNE.

Unit costs

Statistics on unit costs within the UDI are based on data from the Aliens Register in addition to data from separate time distribution systems, the pay system and the accounting system, ref. section 3.6.

Related indicators

Number returned through Assisted Voluntary Return programme

This figure is provided by the International Organization of Migration, which organises this type of return. The number returned by the police is provided by the International Police Immigration Service.

Number of immigrants to Norway

The figures on total immigration are taken from Statistics Norway’s population statistics, which are based on data from the population register. The specification is based on population register data.


The figures are reported by the International Police Immigration Service to the UDI.

Number of persons in reception centres on average at month end – reported by the UDI

Number of paid places in reception centres on average at month end – reported by the UDI

Incoming cases to the immigration administration – reported by the UDI

Total number of granted permits in the immigration administration – reported by the UDI

Collection of data, editing and estimations

The data basis for the indicators is taken from various external sources, see section 3.2 above. The Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management sends the accounting data to Statistics Norway electronically in a spreadsheet. Statistics Norway extracts the employment data from various registers. The data on activities and services is reported to Statistics Norway by the UDI and UNE for these statistics.

Definition and classification of the population for each year are controlled against the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises (VoF), in practice identical with the Brønnøysund Register of Business Enterprises

Input measured in NOK:

Indicators based on accounting data are compared to the corresponding figures in the Central Government's fiscal account and the other transmitted accounts. Wage costs are compared with the contracted man-years and Statistics Norway’s wage statistics. In addition, tests on reasonableness and controls on macro level are performed.

Input measured in contracted man-years:

The three most central registers concerning production of the statistics follow this procedure for control and revision: The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration conducts an annual control of the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees. Statistics Norway controls that enterprises with more than one establishment have separate numbers for each, and that the employees are registered with the correct establishment. Statistics Norway also controls the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees by comparing it with the End of the Year Certificate Register etc. Some kinds of errors are also corrected directly in the basic data for the employment statistics. Further, the contracted man-years adjusted for long-term leaves are checked against the wage costs mentioned above, in addition to the basic data for the wage statistics from payroll registers.

Activities and services and results :

Processing time UDI: StatRes only measures the processing time for the selected agencies in the population. This means that the processing times that are presented do not include the time from the application is submitted to the police or a foreign service mission until the case is received by the UDI. Figures given in other contexts may calculate the time from the application is submitted to the immigration administration until a the case is registered with the UDII.  

Input measured in NOK

Statistics Norway calculates the input measured in NOK in the same way for all activity areas in StatRes where the accounting data received from the Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management form the data source. The calculations of expenditure are as follows:

- The sections in the national accounts that correspond to the UDI and UNE are identified.

- The figures that relate to those sections are grouped and summarised based on items and sub-items in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s circular 101 (R101). The figures are then allocated to the variables that are published within input measured in NOK. See section 4.1 for a more detailed description of these variables.

- Any charges to UDI and UNE in sections other than their own are identified, and the amounts are added to the figures that are listed above.

- Unrecognised pension contributions to cover the pension obligations to the employees are then added to the recognised wage costs. Fifteen per cent of recognised wages excluding employer’s national insurance contributions is used as an estimate for these obligations.

- Wage reimbursements entered as income are reclassified as wage reductions, whereby an amount that corresponds to the reimbursements entered as income is deducted from the recognised wage costs.


Unit costs:

The calculation of unit costs is based on the wage accounts and the individual employee’s registration in the UDI’s time registration system. In the time registration system, the employee’s working hours are linked to various pre-defined activities that are derived from the UDI’s measuring structure. The expenditure for goods and services is linked directly to the various activities based on the purpose of the purchases. When compiling unit costs, the accounting figures are adjusted for maternity and sick pay reimbursements, shared services performed for IMDi, reimbursements from other bodies and country information for other bodies. The operating expenses that form the basis for the calculations of unit costs will therefore deviate from the accounting figures that the UDI reports to the Norwegian Government Agency for Financial Management in connection with Report no. 3 to the Storting (Statsrekneskapen).

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


The fields of responsibility in the central government are to a large degree characterized by a single enterprise per division of service. It is difficult to shed light on this responsibility without exposing the actual government service. StatRes has divided the responsibilities into 5 main divisions of services, which is too coarse-screened to illuminate the variety in the central government activities. Statistics Norway has considered the confidentiality concerns, and found that the two conditions for exception in the Statistics Act § 2-6 are granted. The conditions are:

  1. The consideration of an appropriate structure of the statistics requires publications of a detailed level, including the risk of identification of a statistic unit without suppression.
  2. The publication with the risk of identification must not involve injuries (on physical or juridical person).

Consequently, confidentiality regarding central government enterprises is not taken into account in this statistics. Confidentiality is considered only on the subject of clients/users and employees.

This statistics does not cover graded information.

Comparability over time and space

Employment measured in contracted man-years:

The man-year figures include the bodies’ own employees. The degree to which the bodies buy in services or allow their own employees to carry out the work can vary over time and space. This can typically apply to support functions such as cleaning, canteen, kindergarten etc. The accounting figures show both the wage costs relating to own employees and expenditure relating to the purchase of goods and services etc.

Activities and services and results:

Since October 2009, it has no longer been necessary for nationals of EU countries (except Romania and Bulgaria) to apply for permission to stay in Norway for more than three months. The corresponding requirement for nationals of Romania and Bulgaria remained in force until 15 June 2012. This explains the fall in the number of cases from 2008 to 2009 and from 2009 to 2010 for some types of cases, such as cases relating to immigration on the grounds of work, family and studies.

Kroatia became member of the EU 1 July 2013, however not member of the EEA before 1 January 2014.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

The StatRes enterprises keep accounts according to regulations which include strict accounting controls. In adition, the accounts are audited by the Office of the Auditor General. Errors in accounting data are therefore considered to be negligible.

StatRes aims at measuring central government input in NOK. This is not straightforward, as central Government accounting is cash based, not accrual based. The quality of annual input indicators are still considered satisfactory.

As a consequence of cash based accounting, the fiscal account units do not write off their costs of non-financial capital. Consequently, the costs of capital and imputed depreciation might be underestimated. The investments could be used as an input factor in the estimation of the depreciation. However, the level of investments would vary from each year, and hence deviate significantly from the costs of depreciation.

Another measurement error is related to the fact that various enterprises have interest free access to capital. The costs of this capital are not recorded, and neither included in the input measured in NOK. Similar to the depreciation, this implies that the input in NOK is underestimated. This measurement error can be large for enterprises with large values of fixed assets. However, the most part of the central government enterprises rent their buildings, and own in general a low level of fixed assets. Their costs of non-financial capital will as a consequence appear indirectly, as rental costs under purchase of goods and services.

Processing errors may occur during the estimation of the figures at Statistics Norway. For instance, according to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund premiums, the same percentage mark-up is applied to all enterprises, while the pension commitments are in real life different between enterprises. The deviations from 15 per cent are though small, according to Statistics Norway’s calculations.

Input measured in contracted man-years:
The data quality concerning minor and sporadic employment will be poorer than for employees registered in the NAV State Register of Employers and Employees. For persons who are identified as employees on the basis of the End of the Year Certificate Register, the employment is not dated precisely. This is the case for 4,4 per cent of the contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves in the StatRes &– total overview population for 2009. The half of these undated contracted man-years adjusted for long term leaves, can however be dated based on information from other registers. For the remaining half, information about salary size is used as a criterion for defining whether the person is employed or not. Accordingly, there is some uncertainty about whether the persons included from the End of the Year Certificate Register actually were working in the enterprise at the time (the third week of November).

Processing time

The processing time for both the UDI and UNE is calculated from the date they receive the case until they have issued a decision. The time that elapses from the UDI forwarding the case to the UNE is not counted. Neither is the time from when the case is registered with the police until the UDI receives it.

Unit costs

The quality of the calculated unit costs can be below standard if the registration of time for the various activities is incorrect or not precise. The risk of this is offset by a number of controls and by the variable being used actively in the management of the body.

Not relevant.

Not relevant (full count).

Statistics Norway’s employment statistics are calculated based on the contracted working hours in the third week of November (reference week), while the accounting figures cover the whole fiscal year. Any comparison of input measured in wage costs and input measured in employment may therefore have weaknesses.


Not relevant