Immigrants from 216 countries
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Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents1 January 2010



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Immigrants from 216 countries

There were 459 300 immigrants and 93 000 Norwegian-born to immigrant parents in Norway at the beginning of 2010. The immigrants come from 216 different countries and independent regions.

Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, by country background. 1970-2010.

During 2009, the number of immigrants increased by 36 700 persons, while the number of Norwegian-born to immigrant parents increased by 7 400 persons. Immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents constituted 552 300 persons, or 11.4 per cent of Norway’s population, as per 1 January 2010.

Still high growth

During 2009, the population growth among immigrants was slightly lower compared with 2008, but still, one of the largest annual increases ever recorded. As previously, immigrants from Poland showed the largest increase. This group had risen with 7 600 persons during 2009.

Most from Europe

The increase in the number of immigrants during 2009 is mostly a result of immigration from Europe. The population growth among immigrants from Europe constituted 21 800 out of a total population growth among immigrants of 36 700 persons. The number of immigrants from Asia and Africa increased by 9 500 and 4 400 respectively.

The 15 municipalities with highest proportion immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents. Per cent

Most in Oslo

There were immigrants resident in all the Norwegian municipalities. Oslo has the largest population of immigrants and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, both in relative and absolute figures. Of Oslo’s 587 000 inhabitants, 160 500 were immigrants or Norwegian-born to immigrant parents, which is 27 per cent of the capital’s entire population. There were also high proportions in Drammen (22 per cent), Lørenskog (19 per cent) and Skedsmo (18 per cent).

Immigrants from Eastern Europe have short duration of residence

There are great differences in the duration of residence between the different country groups. Immigrants from Poland and Latvia have the shortest stays; nine out of ten have lived in Norway less than 5 years. Nearly half of the Danes and Pakistani have been resident in at least 20 years.


Immigrants : Persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents. Immigrants emigrated to Norway at some point.

Norwegian - born to immigrant parents are persons who are born in Norway of two parents born abroad, and in addition have four grandparents born abroad.
