More than 12 000 citizenships granted
Population;Immigration and immigrants
statsborger, Naturalisations, foreign citizens, country backgroundImmigrants , Population, Population, Immigration and immigrants




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More than 12 000 citizenships granted

12 700 persons became naturalized in 2005, the highest number ever registered. . 90 per cent of the new Norwegian citizens had a non-western background with Iraqis as the largest group.

Naturalizations. 1977-2005

600 more persons were granted Norwegian citizenship in 2005 than in 1997, which was the last record year. From 1977 to 1987 the number of granted citizenships was quite stabile. On average 2 500 persons were naturalized each year. From 1988 to 1997 the number of persons who were granted Norwegian citizenship increased from year to year. 3 400 persons were naturalized in 1988, while the number of granted citizenships in 1997 was 12 000. In this period, on average 7 300 persons were granted Norwegian citizenship each year. From 1998 the number of persons who were granted Norwegian citizenship varied a lot, with an average of 9 400 per year for the whole period.

Mostly Iraqis

9 in 10 persons who choose to be Norwegian citizens in 2005 had a non-western background. Iraqis were the largest group of foreign citizens who became naturalized in 2005, with 2 100 persons. Somalis were the second largest group with 1 300 naturalizations.

The ten largest groups of naturalizations, by previous citizenship. 2005

Highest increase for Iraqis and Somalis

We also registered the largest increase in naturalizations for citizens from Iraq and Somalia. The number of Iraqis who were granted Norwegian citizenship increased with 1 500 persons, whereas the number of former Somalis increased by 700 compared with 2004. Many Iraqis and Somalis moved to Norway in 1998. In order to become a Norwegian citizen a person must generally have lived in Norway for the past seven years consecutively. Many persons within these groups could now, in 2005, for the first time apply for Norwegian citizenship.

Citizens from Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro also had a huge increase in the number of granted citizenships compared with 2004. Respectively 600 and 500 more persons were granted Norwegian citizenship.
