Turnover growth in construction
Construction, housing and property
bygganloms, Construction turnover (discontinued), turnover by industry (for example demolition, heating, ventilation and sanitation, road building)Construction , Construction, housing and property

Construction turnover (discontinued)5th period 2000



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Turnover growth in construction

Turnover in the construction industry increased by NOK 1.8 billion in the fifth period (September and October) 2000 compared with 5th period 1999. This corresponds to a growth of 8.1 per cent.

All turnover in this connection excludes VAT.

Construction turnover in 5th period 2000 came to just under NOK 25 billion. For establishments in the building completion group, turnover increased by NOK 225 and 170 million respectively, or 12.2 and 11.2 per cent in 5th period 2000 compared with 5th period 1999. Turnover in the renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator group went down by NOK 9 million or 2.9 per cent the same period.

January-October 2000

For January-October 2000 construction turnover increased by a total of NOK 5.3 billion, or 5.5 per cent, compared with the same period the year before. Growth in the building completion group was NOK 655 million or 8.2 per cent in this period. Turnover in the site preparation and building of complete constructions or parts thereof groups increased by 6.1 and 5.9 per cent respectively for January-October 2000 compared with January-October 1999. Establishments in the renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator group saw a 9.6 per cent decline in turnover in the same period.

Fastest growth in Hedmark

The turnover of construction companies in Hedmark went up NOK 206 million, or 27.4 per cent in 5th period 2000 compared with 5th period 1999. The turnover of companies in Finnmark and Møre og Romsdal went up NOK 35 and 142 million respectively, or 14.5 and 14.1 per cent in this period. In Oppland and Rogaland turnover of construction companies increased by more than 13 per cent. Only Oslo and Tromsø counties saw a small decline in turnover in 5th period 2000 compared with the same period last year, with 0.3 per cent for both. Turnover, however, is highest in Oslo, which accounts for more than NOK 5 billion or just over 20 per cent of the total sales of these industries in 5th period 2000.

For January-October 2000, Hedmark also had the largest growth, with 22.1 per cent, compared to the same period the year before. Sør-Trøndelag increased by 14.1 per cent, Oppland by 13.9 per cent and Buskerud by 11.4 per cent in the same period. Here too, only Oslo and Tromsø counties had a decline in construction turnover.
