Building statisticsOctober 2016


All releases for Building statistics - monthly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
20 July 2001 May 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 June 2001 April 2001 30 per cent more new dwellings in Oslo and Akershus
21 May 2001 March 2001 Fewer office, trade and industrial buildings
23 April 2001 February 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 February 2001 December 2000 Almost 25 000 dwelling starts in 2000
19 January 2001 November 2000 Increase in dwelling construction

All releases for Building statistics - quarterly

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
20 July 2001 Q1.666666666666666667 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 June 2001 Q1.333333333333333333 2001 30 per cent more new dwellings in Oslo and Akershus
21 May 2001 Q1 2001 Fewer office, trade and industrial buildings
23 April 2001 Q0.666666666666666667 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 February 2001 Q4 2000 Almost 25 000 dwelling starts in 2000
19 January 2001 Q3.666666666666666667 2000 Increase in dwelling construction

All releases for Building statistics - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
20 July 2001 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 June 2001 2001 30 per cent more new dwellings in Oslo and Akershus
21 May 2001 2001 Fewer office, trade and industrial buildings
23 April 2001 2001 Increase in dwelling starts
20 February 2001 2000 Almost 25 000 dwelling starts in 2000
19 January 2001 2000 Increase in dwelling construction