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Relatively low tax value in Oslo and Bærum
In Oslo and Bærum, the average assessed tax value of houses, is 13 per cent of the sales price. The corresponding share for the country as a whole is 19 per cent. On the whole, the ratio is lower the more expensive the house is.
In 2005, 42 per cent of all houses sold had an assessed tax value of less than 15 per cent of the sales price. In Oslo and Bærum the share was 68 per cent.
Expensive houses have low relative assessed tax value
Detached houses with a sales price of more than NOK 2 million have a relative tax value of 14 per cent. When the sales price is lower than NOK 1 million, the relative tax value is 28 per cent.
Small differences between house types
Detached houses have the highest relative tax value, with 20 per cent. Small houses and flats both have a relative tax value of 18 per cent on average.
A total of 54 925 open market sales are included in the calculations. The statistics are based on information on assessed tax value from the assessment of taxes in 2005. Sales price is provided by the Ground property, Address and Building Register (GAB) and the Register of Deeds (“Grunnboka”).
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