All time high production and export of power
Energy and manufacturing
elektrisitet, Electricity, Power stations, electricity generation, electricity consumption, energy consumption, power production, hydro power, thermal power, wind power, power-intensive manufacturing, general supply, pumped-storage Power, grid rentEnergy , Energy and manufacturing, Energy and manufacturing

ElectricityNovember 2005



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All time high production and export of power

Production and export of power in November was at the highest level ever measured for this month. In November parts of Norway recorded extreme amounts of rainfall. Production of power was 13 107 GWh - 22.2 per cent higher than in the same period last year.

Production, consumption and export surplus of electric energy in November. 1979-2005. GWh

Production, consumption and export surplus of electric energy per month. GWh

High net export of electricity

Exports amounted to 1 891 GWh, this is the highest level of exports ever measured in November. Import of electricity was 165 GWh, which resulted in a net export of 1726 GWh.

Decreased gross domestic consumption

Compared to November 2004, gross domestic consumption of electricity decreased by 3.7 per cent and came to a total of 11 381 GWh. The electricity consumption in energy-intensive manufacturing amounted to 2 618 GWh, this represents a fall of 8.8 per cent compared with November last year.

Reservoirfilling, median and spot price week 44-48 2005.

Monthly temperature for the entire country was 3.3 degrees higher than normal and several places in Norway measured record high temperatures in November.

Based on observations from the weather stations' monthly precipitation for the whole country was 140 per cent of the normal, and the third highest ever recorded. The west coast of Norway experienced extreme high precipitation.

The reservoir filling was in the mid November 91,9 per cent of total capacity - 9.1 percentage points above the median. Average spot price on Nordpool in November was 32.1 NOK øre/kWh.

See also

Prices of electric energy
