Energy and manufacturing;Energy and manufacturing
Index of industrial turnover monitors sales in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining& electricity. Turnover in manufacturing was somewhat unchanged in the second quarter of 2014.

Turnover in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity supplyJune 2014


Turnover. Annual numbers, by division, main industrial groupings and market. Unadjusted series. NOK million123
201120122013Yearly change in per cent
2012 / 20112013 / 2012
1The Figures can be revised twice after published, but no later than 6 months after the initial publishing.
2Total turnover based on grossed up sample figures.
3The levels of aggregation refer to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007). See NOS D383 for further details.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity1 576 9101 657 1631 684 7355.11.7
Domestic market696 258737 845804 8426.09.1
Export market880 653919 318879 8924.4-4.3
Extraction and related services666 792730 230701 6059.5-3.9
Domestic market112 560136 642144 24821.45.6
Export market554 232593 588557 3577.1-6.1
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying773 144812 740839 7875.13.3
Domestic market450 958492 068521 6349.16.0
Export market322 186320 672318 153-0.5-0.8
Mining and quarrying13 87114 25713 6642.8-4.2
Domestic market8 1128 4447 7424.1-8.3
Export market5 7575 8145 9201.01.8
Manufacturing759 270798 483826 1225.23.5
Domestic market442 843483 626513 8899.26.3
Export market316 428314 860312 234-0.5-0.8
Electricity, gas and steam136 974114 192143 345-16.625.5
Domestic market132 739109 135138 962-17.827.3
Export market4 2365 0594 38219.4-13.4
Main industrial groupings:
Intermediate goods368 525383 566398 6594.13.9
Domestic market209 943232 740254 10310.99.2
Export market158 581150 826144 555-4.9-4.2
Capital goods202 989233 292256 63414.910.0
Domestic market129 722155 867175 04120.212.3
Export market73 26977 42181 5935.75.4
Consumer goods193 467196 785205 3641.74.4
Domestic market145 367150 323157 3623.44.7
Export market48 10146 46348 003-3.43.3
Energy goods811 929843 520824 0773.9-2.3
Domestic market211 228198 915218 335-5.89.8
Export market600 700644 605605 7417.3-6.0