Energy and manufacturing

Oil and gas activities, investmentsQ3 2004


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Oil and gas activities, investments
Topic: Energy and manufacturing

Responsible division

Division for Manufacturing and R&D statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Exploration: Covers the activity from when the production licence is given until the exploration programme is finished or the licence is returned.

Development: Covers the activity from the time commercial development is approved by the Parliament to start of production, inclusive establishment of the on stream organisation and production drilling.

Production: Covers the activity after the start of production, inclusive production drilling.

Ancillary activity: Covers the activity in offices and bases onshore; administrative and technical services both to own activity as operator and interests in other production licenses.

Accrued investment costs: Nominal acquisition costs of physical capital for extraction purpose, quarterly or annually. All current costs in exploration and field development, including production drilling, are regarded as investment costs. For fields in production, costs that increase the value of the capital equipment, improve the processes or expand the capacity are treated as investment. Repair and maintenance are treated as intermediate consumption of services. In the ancillary activity all acquisitions of fixed durable assets with an expected productive life of more than one year are included

Estimated investment costs: Nominal acquisition costs of physical capital for extraction purpose that the licensees expect to implement on short and medium term. All current costs in exploration and field development, including production drilling, are regarded as investment costs. For fields in production, costs that increase the value of the capital equipment, improve the processes or expand the capacity are treated as investment. Repair and maintenance are treated as intermediate consumption of services. In the ancillary activity all acquisitions of fixed durable assets with an expected productive life of more than one year are included

Standard classifications

Not relevant

Administrative information

Regional level

Norwegian level only.

Frequency and timeliness

Quarterly surveys.

Published on the first Thursday in March, June, September and December .

International reporting

Not relevant


Micro data will be stored in accordance with Statistics Norway's guidelines for storing of computer files.


Background and purpose

The survey monitors the development of estimated and final investments in oil and gas extraction and pipeline transport. It has existed in its current form since 1984 and is financed by government appropriations. The purpose is to map out the investment activity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf on a short-term and a medium-term level.


Users and applications

The figures are also included in quarterly national accounts. The statistics try to give a picture of how the investment activity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf will develop in the short- and medium-term, and is therefore of interest for entreprenuers within the offshore industry. The offshore industry is a large sector in norwegian economy, so the results are also interesting in a macroeconomic perspective.

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics are included in the quarterly national accounts and in the annual statistics regarding oil and gas activities.

Legal authority

The information is collected by Statistics Norway on behalf of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate authorized in law by the Act of 29 November 1996 No. 72 relating to petroleum activities. Statistics Norway makes use of the information in preparation of official statistics, authorized in law by The Statistics Act of 1989. 

EEA reference

Not relevant



All active enterprises or investment enterprises within extraction of crude oil (06.200) and extraction of natural gas(06.200) and pipeline transport (49.50), with the exception of licensees without an operatorship and active investment enterprises within drillingservices attached to oil and gas extraction (09.101).

The population includes about 800 enterprises.

Data sources and sampling

Figures for accrued and estimated investments in the oil and gas activity are collected for a number of goods and services. The accrued investment costs are requested. The investments contain the industry sector`s extraction of crude oil and natural gas, and pipeline transport (06.100, 06.200, 49.50) and are divided into investments for exploration, field development, fields on stream, onshore activities and pipeline transport.

From Q1 1996 accrued investments for drillingservices attached to oil and gas extraction (09.101) have been collected. These figures have never been published.


Collection of data, editing and estimations

Electronic forms. Collected via e-mail.

The figures are being revised for each establishment. If the figures differ considerably from earlier reported figures, the establishment is contacted.

Not relevant.


Confidential micro data:

According to § 2-4 of the Statistics Act, collected data are subject to secrecy and are to be kept or destroyed in a secure manner. Any use of the data must be in accordance with the rules set out by the Data Inspectorate.

Comparability over time and space

The statistics are comparable back to 1984, but it is important to be aware of that the figures not are measured in fixed prices.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Errors may and do occur in many steps of the data capture process. Typical sources for errors are filling in forms incorrectly, registration errors and revision errors. Errors may also originate in different interpretation of terms. Many errors and inconsistencies are discovered and corrected through manual and machine controls.

The survey is a full data collection. The drop out rate in the survey is lower than 0.5 per cent.