Decline in manufacturing
Energy and manufacturing;National accounts and business cycles;Energy and manufacturing
pii, Index of industrial production, industrial production, volume indicator, intermediate goods, capital goods, consumer goods, energy goodsEnergy , Oil and gas , Business cycles , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing

Index of industrial productionDecember 2000



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Decline in manufacturing

According to the seasonally adjusted figures, the manufacturing output fell by 0.3 per cent in the last quarter compared with the previous quarter of 2000. The down turn is firstly related to the capital goods and intermediate goods output.

The decreased manufacturing output in the 4.quarter of 2000 is related in the first place to a lower activity level among offshore-related sectors. Accordingly, the capital goods output fell by 0.5 per cent in the 4.quarter, when compared with the 3.quarter. The manufacturing output still remained weak, and was 3.3 per cent lower in December when comparing to the same month in the previous year.

Export producing sectors and energy goods output

According to weekly-adjusted data, the production output in manufacturing was 2.7 per cent lower in 2000 than in 1999. Some of the exporting industries, however, have seen a small increase in the production output in 2000.Using the weekly-adjusted figures, the energy goods production rose by 6.5 per cent in 2000. There has been a high level in oil and gas production. The gas production reached a very high level at the end of 2000 due to the introduction of several new fields. Otherwise, the electricity output increased about 16 per cent in 2000 compared with the previous year. Together, the upswing in energy goods output lifted the overall industrial production to about 3 per cent, despite the weak manufacturing output.

Monthly Index of production. December 2000. Changes in percent
  Adjusted to the length of month1 Seasonally adjusted
  Des. 1999-
Des. 2000
Jan. 1999-Des. 1999-
Jan. 2000-Des. 2000
Nov. 2000-
Des. 2000
Last three months
The overall index -1,7 2,9 1,1 -0,1
Oil and Gas Extraction 0,1 5,4 2,5 0,5
Manufacturing -3,3 -2,7 -1,6 -0,3
Electricity, Gas and Steam Supply 2,1 16,2 6,1 -6,1
Main industrial groupings        
Intermediate goods -2,8 -2,0 -1,0 -1,0
Capital goods -0,3 -4,4 -1,9 -0,5
Consumer goods -4,4 -2,0 -2,8 1,1
Energy goods -0,5 6,5 3,9 -1,0
1  Recalculated to standard month and adjusted for different number of working days per week.