Continued decline in manufacturing output
Energy and manufacturing;National accounts and business cycles;Energy and manufacturing
pii, Index of industrial production, industrial production, volume indicator, intermediate goods, capital goods, consumer goods, energy goodsEnergy , Oil and gas , Business cycles , Manufacturing, mining and quarrying , National accounts and business cycles, Energy and manufacturing
Index of Industrial Production monitors added value in oil and gas, manufacturing, mining and electricity. Manufacturing decreased by 2.3 per cent from September to October in 2015.

Index of industrial productionOctober 2015



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Continued decline in manufacturing output

Production in Norwegian manufacturing declined by 1.9 per cent in the period August-October 2015 compared with the previous three-month period, according to seasonally-adjusted figures. Low production within oil and gas-related industries explains much of this fall. From September to October 2015, the manufacturing output declined by 2.3 per cent.

Index of production. Changes in per cent and weights
Seasonally adjustedCalendar adjusted1Weights2
Monthly changeThree-month changeTwelve-month change
October 2015 / September 2015August 2015 - October 2015 / May 2015 - July 2015October 2015 / October 2014
1Adjusted for working-days and for public holidays in Norway.
2The weights are updated annually, and are valid for the entire year.
Extraction, mining, manufacturing and elec-2.62.0-3.0100.0
Extraction and related services-
Mining and quarrying-4.7-1.0-12.90.6
Food, beverage and tobacco-1.10.0-2.14.3
Refined petro., chemicals, pharmac.-
Basic metals-0.72.7-6.90.9
Machinery and equipment-2.9-5.4-13.82.9
Ships, boats and oil platforms-1.1-5.4-26.12.3
Electricity, gas and steam-2.5-

The index level for Norwegian manufacturing in the period August-October 2015 amounted to 116.7 (2005= 100). The corresponding figure for the previous three-month period was 119.

Three-month change: drop in ships, boats and oil platforms and machinery and equipment

According to seasonally-adjusted figures, the manufacturing output declined by 1.9 per cent in the period August-October 2015 compared with the previous three-month period. The index level is now at its lowest level since December 2012. The downturn is still related to low production within oil and gas-related industries, and particularly among the following industries:

  • Ships, boats and oil platforms
  • Machinery and equipment
  • Repair and installation of machinery

After the peak in August 2014, production within ships, boats and oil platforms has plummeted by almost 30 per cent. Within machinery and equipment, production has declined by around 13 per cent since the peak in December 2014. Lower investment activity in the oil and gas sector explains much of the decline in these industries, which among other things has reduced the use of contract workers. Basic chemicals also saw a production decline in this period.

Wood and wood products was one of the few industries that saw a production increase in this period.

Monthly change: decline from September to October 2015

The manufacturing output saw a distinct decline of 2.3 per cent from September to October 2015, according to seasonally-adjusted figures. The largest contributions to the decrease came from the industry group refined petroleum, basic chemicals and the pharmaceutical industry, and rubber, plastic and mineral production. In addition, repair and installation of machinery together with machinery and equipment saw an output decrease in this period.

On the other hand, paper and paper products together with textiles, wearing apparel and leather saw a production increase in this period.

Twelve-month change: drop in Norway and growth in the euro area in September 2015

From September 2014 to September 2015, production in Norwegian manufacturing dropped by 3.6 per cent, according to calendar-adjusted figures. Ships, boats and oil platforms together with machinery and equipment contributed the most to the total output decline. Estimated figures from Eurostat, the EU`s statistical office, indicate that production in manufacturing in the euro area increased by 2.3 per cent in the same period.

Three-month change: growth in total industrial production (PII)

The overall production index (PII) covering extraction, mining, manufacturing and electricity supply increased by 2.0 per cent in the period August-October 2015 compared with the previous three-month period, according to seasonally-adjusted figures. Extraction of crude petroleum increased by 1.1 per cent, while extraction of natural gas went up by 9.8 per cent in this period. For more details about oil and gas extraction for September 2015, see the press release from The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate

Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction saw a production decline of 8.7 per cent in the period August-October 2015. Producers within this industry are closely related to the oil and gas industry, and the production decline should therefore be seen in conjunction with the lower investments within this industry.

Production within Norwegian electricity was virtually unchanged in the period August-October 2015 compared with the previous three-month period, according to seasonally-adjusted figures.

Figures for support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction are now in StatbakOpen and readClose

From October 2015, figures for Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction will be published. According to SIC2007, Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction is grouped in section B Mining and quarrying. Producers within this industry supply, among other things, services related to drilling in exploration, appraisal and production wells, together with other services related to offshore activities, such as installation of floating and fixed structures both above and below the sea floor. The time series is from the year 2010 and forward. This industry has always been a part of the aggregate Extraction and related services, but now its time series is also published separately in Statbank and tables.