Research area

Social and demographic research

News about social and demographic research

  • Choice of spouse among Norwegian-born to immigrant parents

    Living conditions and social participartion


    About one out of five Norwegian-born women and men with immigrant parents born between 1972 and 1994 were married as per 1 January 2013. Three out of four of these were married to someone who also had an immigrant background. There is a clear correlation between country of origin and choice of partner.

  • Fertility rates and other demographics among immigrants and children of immigrants born in Norway

    Fertility and changes in family demography


    The fertility rate among female immigrants in Norway has fallen in recent years, and was 2.1 children per woman in 2012. A key feature is that fertility declines in line with how long a woman has lived in Norway. Newly arrived female immigrants are also having fewer children than they did before.

  • Residency and access to children 2002, 2004 and 2012 - Changes in responsibilities and care of children for parents living separately

    Living conditions and social participartion


    The share of parents with shared residency of children in 2012 has tripled since 2002. Fewer children live permanently with their mother, while the share of children living permanently with their father has remained stable at 7-8 per cent in the 10-year period.

  • Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration 2013

    Living conditions and social participartion


    The survey of attitudes towards immigrants and immigration, conducted by Statistics Norway in July and August 2013, shows that the share who completely or partly agrees with the statement "Most immigrants make an important contribution to Norwegian working life" has fallen by 8 percentage points since 2012.

  • Ikke mer ensomhet enn før

    Levekår og sosial deltaking


    Samfunnsutviklingen de siste 30 årene har ikke ført til mer ensomhet og isolasjon i det norske samfunnet. Enkelte utviklingstrekk peker i motsatt retning. Vi har flere fortrolige vennskap nå enn tidligere.

  • Social integration in Norway

    Living conditions and social participartion


    Does economic growth and concomitant improvements in living conditions lead to more loneliness and insufficient social integration? In his thesis, Anders Barstad seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of welfare trends in modern society, using Norway as a case.