Discussion Papers no. 867
The efficient combination of taxes on fuel and vehicles
A tax on fuel combined with tax-exemptions or subsidies for purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles is implemented in many countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other negative externalities from road traffic.
This study, however, shows that a tax on fuel should be combined with heavier taxation of fuel-efficient vehicles to curb externalities from road traffic. The tax on fuel is implemented to curb externalities linked to both consumption of fuel and road use. The heavier tax on fuel-efficient vehicles prevents that motorists avoid the road user charge on fuel by purchasing fuel-efficient vehicles.
About the publication
- Title
The efficient combination of taxes on fuel and vehicles
- Author
Geir H. M. Bjertnæs
- Series and number
Discussion Papers no. 867
- Publisher
Statistisk sentralbyrå
- Topic
Discussion Papers
- About Discussion Papers
Discussion papers comprise research papers intended for international journals and books. A preprint of a Discussion Paper may be longer and more elaborate than a standard journal article as it may include intermediate calculations, background material etc.
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