
One out of five suffer from headache


One out of five in the age 16-79 suffer from headache or migraine, and 29 per cent of them have contacted physician during the last three months. Women suffer more often from headache than men are.

Almost 25 per cent of the women in the age 16-79 suffer from headache or migraine, against only 15 per cent of the men. In the age group 25-66, 4 per cent of the women and 3 per cent of the men have been absent from work because of headache during the last three months.

The results come from Statistics Norways “omnibus-survey” for 2.quarter 2001, and are based on interviews with 1331 persons.


Consequenses of headache and migrane during the last three
months by sex and age. Percentage
  Suffer from headache or migraine Contacted physician Absent from work
Total 19 6 4
Males 15 4 3
Females 24 7 4
16-24 years 20 5 6
25-34 years 18 5 4
35-44 years 28 6 5
45-66 years 17 7 2
67-79 years 13 4 -


Consequences of headache and migraine
during the last three months by sex and
age amongst those who suffer. Percentage
  Contacted physician Absent from work
Total                29 18
Males 29 21
Females 28 17
16-24 years 26 32
25-34 years 28 24
35-44 years 20 18
45-66 years 38 11
67-79 years 30 -
