Health;Public sector
pleie, Care services, elderly care, nursing homes, disabled, home nursing care, home help, home help services, IPLOS, retirement homes, institutions, care homes, nursing staff, discharge, support person, care benefit, UCPA (user controlled personal assistance)KOSTRA , Health services , Public sector, Health

Care services2018



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Nursing and care services
Percentage changePercentage change
20182017 - 20182015 - 2018
1Home-based services: Home-nursing and home-help. Activity and facility services not included
2Includes nursing homes, retirement homes, relief institutions and dwellings for children. Dwellings for the elderly not included.
3Statistics Norway has adopted a new method that provides better information on settled percentage of full-time equivalent (FTE) in 2018. The new method affects the calculation of man-years, and changes in the number of man-years, for example from 2017 to 2018 is thus not real. The new method is under development. Statistics Norway intends to publish final figures for man-years for the years 2015-2019 by new method through KOSTRA in March 2020. Read more about the new method here: https://www.ssb.no/arbeid-og-lonn/artikler-og-publikasjoner/ny-metode-gir-bedre-informasjon-om-arbeidstid
4KOSTRA functions included: 234 Activity programmes, 253 Health and care institutions, 254 Home-based services, 256 Acute help, 261 Institutions buildings. Government grants for municipal co-financing of general hospitals function 255 is included until 2015.
Home-based services (selected services)Users 12.31.
Assistance in daily living79 164-2.6-5.8
Home health services, includes both somatic and psychiatric care.157 5932.38.8
User-controlled personal assistance3 462-1.310.0
Care benefits (benefits to individuals whom provides care on a voluntary basis to parents, spouses or others)10 1510.54.4
Percentage of inhabitants age 80 years and over that are home service users131.2-2.5-5.5
Nursing homesBeds 12.31.
Beds in total39 572-0.3-0.3
Percentage of private beds9.8-5.1-11.5
Institution services2Residents 12.31.
Long-term stay32 234-1.5-3.9
Short-term stay9 056-3.2-2.7
Care and nursing services staff3Man-years
Man-years - total142 754....
of these...
Man-years in user directed services with health education103 338....
Percentage in user directed services with health education74.5....
Nursing and care expenditure4NOK billions
Nursing and care expenditure, total122.07.519.2