Stable number of sterilizations
steril, Sterilisations (discontinued)Health conditions and living habits, Health

Sterilisations (discontinued)2001



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Stable number of sterilizations

A total of 7 812 persons were sterilized in 2001. Of these 3 160 were men and 4 652 women. Compared with 2000, this is 84 fewer men and 140 more women.

The number of sterilizations per 1000 inhabitants has been stable last years. 2.5 men and 3.8 women per 1000 inhabitants chose to be sterilized in 2001. The sterilization rate is highest among men and women between 35 and 45 years of age.

Statistics by county is based on where the sterilizations are performed and not on the county of residence of the person sterilized. Sterilization is not a priority treatment in the national health care system, thus no waiting list guarantee is given. Whoever wants to be sterilized may have the procedure performed in another county than he or she lives. County statistics on sterilizations performed per 1000 inhabitants can therefore be inaccurate.

Grouped by county of treatment, Telemark and Hedmark have the highest sterilization rates for men, approximately 7 sterilizations per 1000 men in the relevant age groups. Nord-Trøndelag has the highest sterilization rates for women with 11,7 sterilizations per 1000 women.