Big increase in salmon fishing in rivers
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
elvefiske, River catch, rivers, catch and releaseFishing , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

River catch2000, preliminary figures



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Big increase in salmon fishing in rivers

Despite the lack of statistics from a number of rivers, including the Tana and its tributaries, fishing for salmon, sea trout and migratory char in rivers increased from 412 tons in 1999 to 525 tons in 2000.

Breakdown of the catch was 423 tons of salmon 102 tons of sea trout and migratory char. Compared with the year before this is an increase of 29 per cent for salmon and 20 per cent for the latter two.

Less small salmon

The average weight of salmon was 2.8 kilos in 2000, against 2.7 kilos in 1999. Forty-eight per cent of the salmon were under 3 kilos, 33 per cent between 3 and 7 kilos and 19 per cent over 7 kilos. The percentages for 1999 were 51, 30 and 19 respectively.

Of the rivers included in the preliminary statistics, Gaula had the biggest catch, with 38 tons. Next were Namsen, Orkla, Tengs-, Bjerkreimselva and Stjørdalselva w/Sona, which all showed higher catches compared with 1999. Tana and its tributaries are provisionally not included in the data from the year 2000, but it was the main river system in 1999, with an estimated catch of 86 tons. The figures for Tana are expected to be ready in January 2001.

Salmon and sea trout fishing in rivers. The whole
country. Tons
           1998          1999          2000*1
Total 405 412 525
Salmon, total 331 328 423
Less than 3 kg 168 166 203
3-7 kg 101 98 141
7 kg and over 62 64 79
Sea trout and migratory char 74 85 102
1  Data not available for some rivers, among them is Tana.

Salmon and sea trout fisheries. Rivers with
the biggest catch. Tons
                    1999                   2000*
Tana med bielvar 85.6(1) ..
Gaula 17.9(3) 38.2
Namsen 18.8(2) 31.5
Orkla 8.3(7) 23.5
Tengs-, Bjerkreimselva 9.0(6) 14.3
Stjørdalselva m/Sona 8.0(9) 14.2
Numedalslågen 9.2(5) 14.1
Altaelva 9.9(4) 14.0
Drivavassdraget 6.0(12) 11.8
Verdalselva 7.9(10) 11.7