Less salmon fishing in rivers
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
elvefiske, River catch, rivers, catch and releaseFishing , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

River catch2002, preliminary figures



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Less salmon fishing in rivers

26 per cent less salmon were caught in Norwegian rivers in 2002 than the year before. A total of 515 tonnes of salmon, sea trout and migratory char were caught in 2002. This is 149 tonnes less than in 2001, but still more than the average yearly catch of the 1990es .

River fishing of salmon. 1993-2002. Kilos

The total catch consisted of 422 tonnes of salmon and 93 tonnes of sea trout and migratory char. Compared with the year before this is a decrease of 26 per cent for salmon and about stable catch for the latter two.

Average salmon weight: 3.6 kilos

The average weight of salmon was 3.6 kilos in 2002, against 3.2 kilos in 2001. 30 per cent of the salmon weighed under 3 kilos, 38 per cent between 3 and 7 kilos and 32 per cent over 7 kilos. The corresponding percentage distribution for 2001 was 39, 36 and 25 respectively.

Tana and its tributaries was still the most important river system in 2002, with an estimated catch of 104 tonnes. This is 25 tonnes less than the year before. Next were Orkla, Gaula, Numedalslågen and Namsen. Among the best rivers in 2002, Orkla had the biggest increase, to 36,6 tonnes.

River catch of salmon, sea trout and
migratory char. The whole country. Tonnes
  2000          2001          2002
Total  663  664  515
Salmon, total  557  571  422
Less than 3 kg  255  221  126
3-7 kg  185  205  162
7 kg and over  117  145  134
Sea trout and migratory char  107 93 93
River catch of salmon, sea trout
and migratory char. Rivers with
the biggest catch. Tonnes
  2001            2002
Tana and its tributaries  129.2  104.0
Orkla 24.3 36.6
Gaula 48.6 32.8
Numedalslågen 21.7 24.4
Namsen 30.8 20.7
Altaelva 13.9 14.8
Tengs-, Bjerkreimselva 14.9 12.1
Drivavassdraget 6.9 10.8
Drammenselva 10.4 10.2
Neidenelva 14.5 10.1
River fishing. Catch by weight of fish and county. 2002. Kg
  Catch, total Salmon Sea trout
  Total Less than 3 kg 3-7 kg Over 7 kg
The whole country  515 488    422 114  126 168    162 241  133 705   93 374
østfold 1 810 1 809  432  738  639 1
Akershus og Oslo  292 39 22 16 -  254
Buskerud 11 432 10 304 3 097 3 890 3 317 1 129
Vestfold 24 419 24 038 8 327 11 356 4 355  380
Telemark 1 642 1 625 1 035  534 56 17
Aust-Agder  994  650  418  201 31  344
Vest-Agder 17 052 15 764 9 790 5 114  860 1 288
Rogaland 34 749 31 274 17 075 11 747 2 452 3 475
Hordaland 13 773 9 064 2 301 5 271 1 492 4 709
Sogn og Fjordane 22 060 13 372 3 487 6 454 3 431 8 688
Møre og Romsdal 42 986 26 786 7 607 13 746 5 433 16 200
Sør-Trøndelag 78 240 75 427 15 430 33 095 26 902 2 814
Nord-Trøndelag 36 322 32 273 10 324 12 707 9 242 4 048
Nordland 43 666 20 338 8 578 8 809 2 951 23 327
Troms 30 055 17 390 5 031 5 876 6 483 12 665
Finnmark  155 997  141 962 33 215 42 686 66 061 14 034