Small game hunting most common
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jeja, Active hunters, small game hunters, big game hunters, hunt reportingHunting , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Active hunters2004/2005



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Small game hunting most common

A total of 147 500 persons have been hunting in the hunting year 2004/05. 67 per cent of the hunters took part in small game hunting, while 58 per cent hunted cervids.

Most small game hunters

A total of 98 900 hunters participated in small game hunting (beaver hunting included) in 2004/05. Most small game hunters lived in Akershus county. Totally 9 500 person in this county hunted small game.

Hunting on cervids

In the hunting year 2004/05 totally 86 100 people hunted cervids. Cervids includes moose, roe deer, red deer and wild reindeer. A total of 7 800 cervid hunters lived in Hedmark county

Moose hunting

Among the cervids species, moose is the most common game to be hunted. During the autumn 2004 totally 57 600 people hunted moose. Hedmark county is still the largest moose county, measured both by the total number of hunting licenses and the total number of animals felled. Most moose hunters lived in Hedmark – 6 800 persons.

Deer hunters

Since the beginning of the 1990s the felling quota on red deer has increased considerably. A total of 30 700 hunters took part inn red deer hunting in the autumn 2004.

Roe deer

The second most frequent type of hunting was roe deer hunting which engaged 37 300 hunters, and 14 700 had yield from the hunt.

Less wild reindeer hunters

A total of 6 400 hunters hunted on a quota of 7 100 wild reindeer during the autumn 2004. This is 900 less than the year before. The decrease in number of wild reindeer hunters is partly due to lower quotas in some of the largest wild reindeer areas.