Decline in production of potatoes in 2010
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jordbruksavling, Production of potatoes and forage plants, agricultural yield, forage, potatoes, hay, rye grass, silage, green fodderAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Production of potatoes and forage plants2010, preliminary figures



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Decline in production of potatoes in 2010

The potato production decreased by 11 000 tonnes to 321 000 tonnes from 2009 to 2010. The average decare yield of potatoes in 2010 was 2 400 kilos; almost the same as the year before. Potato area dropped by 5 000 decares.

Production of potatoes.1000 tonnes. 2000-2010

Production from meadows for mowing#1. 1 000 tonnes. 2000-2010

From 2009 to 2010, the production from all meadows for mowing decreased slightly to a total of 2.7 million tonnes.

The yield per decare of meadows for mowing converted by dry matter into hay, corresponds to 622 kilos.

At the first cut in 2010, yield from 31 per cent of the mowed meadow area was stored into silos as silage, whereas yield from 62 per cent of the area was stored as round bales. Corresponding figures for the later cut were 29 and 69 per cent respectively. The grass from 7 per cent of the first cut was dried as hay, while 2 per cent was harvested as hay at the later cut.

Other crops for green fodder and silage

Rye grass covered 43 per cent and green forage mixtures 54 per cent of the total area of other fodder crops of 120 000 decares,. The average decare yield of rye grass was 2 400 kilos, and for green forage mixtures and grain for green fodder 1 350 kilos.
