Increased use of herbicides
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing;Nature and the environment
jordmil, Pesticide use, farmland sprayed with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, phytohormones, chemical pesticidesAgriculture , Pollution and climate, Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing, Nature and the environment

Pesticide use2005



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Increased use of herbicides

The total use of pesticides in agriculture showed minor changes from 2003 to 2005. However, the quantity of herbicides increased, while the quantity of fungicides dropped.

Use of pesticides in agriculture by main type of pesticide. 2001, 2003 and 2005. Tonnes active substance.

In 2005, Statistics Norway carried out for the third time an investigation concerning use of pesticides in agriculture. Measured by amount of active substance, the use of pesticides increased by 12 per cent from 2001 to 2003, and then decreased slightly by 1 per cent to 2005. Of the total use of pesticides, herbicides accounted for 63 per cent and fungicides 27 per cent.

More herbicides and fewer fungicides

From 2003 to 2005, the total quantity of herbicides rose by 32 tonnes, mainly due to an increase in use of glyphosate agents, which is commonly used in the treatment of troublesome rootstock weed as couch grass. The total quantity of fungicides was reduced by 30 tonnes in the same period.

In 2005, 37 per cent of the agricultural area was sprayed with pesticides. Meadows and pasture land are rarely treated with pesticides, and only 6 per cent of this area was sprayed in 2005. For other crops, the share of the sprayed area varied from 81 per cent in oil seeds to 98 per cent in onion and carrot.

Decreasing number of treatments

The number of yearly treatments in most of the crops investigated decreased from 2003 to 2005. The average number of treatments varied between 1.1 times in meadows and pasture land to 8.2 times in apples. The area of potatoes was treated 4.3 times in 2005, against 7.5 times in 2003. In strawberries, the number of treatments decreased from 8.3 to 6.6 times in the same period.

As in previous years, the number of treatments increased by size of crop area. Holdings with less than 0.5 hectares, sprayed in average 2.5 times, while holdings with at lest 5 hectares sprayed 5.9 times. Apple tree plantations less than 0.5 hectares sprayed in average 5 times, while plantations with at least 2 hectares sprayed 9.2 times.
