Buskerud: One of three farms does not operate land anymore
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jt1999, Census of agriculture (discontinued), farmers, farming, holdings, size of farm, outbuildings, farmlands, agricultural machinery, livestock, horticulture, greenhouse, allodial law, agricultural education, supplementary industriesCensuses of agriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Census of agriculture (discontinued)1999

The statistics has been discontinued, see the Census from 2010: Census of agriculture



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Buskerud: One of three farms does not operate land anymore

Final figures from the 1999 Census of Agriculture show that since 1989 one of three farms in the county of Buskerud does not operate the agricultural land anymore. The size of agricultural land is almost unchanged in the period because the remaining active farmers rent the land from not active holdings.

Fewer holdings and increased land rental

Number of holdings with agricultural land in use have fallen from 5 800 in 1989 to 3 800 in 1999, a reduction of 33 percent. The agricultural land in use shows minor changes. Rented land has increased from 157 000 decares in 1989 to 233 000 decares in 1999, and represents 45 percent of total land in use. I 1989 about 30 percent of the land was rented.

3 600 full-time equivalents

On the holdings in Buskerud the labour input corresponded to 3 600 full-time equivalents. On 1 900 holdings the total labour input was less than half a full-time equivalent each, while about 1 200 holdings had labour inputs of one full-time equivalent or more. Of total 6 800 holders and spouse/cohabitants 1 300 worked at least 1 500 man-hours off the holding. In 1989 2 000 of the holders worked 1 500 man-hours or more off the holding.

Labour input in so-called supplemental industries are to be added to the 3 600 full-time equivalents, and represented about 300 full-time equivalents in 1998/1999. Supplemental industries are activities that utilise a holdings land, buildings or machinery.

Changes in age distribution

I 1989 27 percent of the farmers were 60 years or older. This part fell to 18 percent in 1999. Holders in the group 50-59 years increased from 20 percent to 27 percent, while 40-49 yearlings represented a minor part in 1999 than in 1989. The number of holders younger than 40 years shows minor changes. Together all these changes have had no effect on average age.

Other results

In its survey of the various conditions in the agricultural industry the Census of Agriculture ranges widely. For more information, please refer to the appendix of tables and municipality data. Contact Statistics Norway for more information or to have the data arranged differently.