Møre And Romsdal: One full-time equivalent or more at 2 800 holdings
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
jt1999, Census of agriculture (discontinued), farmers, farming, holdings, size of farm, outbuildings, farmlands, agricultural machinery, livestock, horticulture, greenhouse, allodial law, agricultural education, supplementary industriesCensuses of agriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Census of agriculture (discontinued)1999

The statistics has been discontinued, see the Census from 2010: Census of agriculture



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Møre And Romsdal: One full-time equivalent or more at 2 800 holdings

2 800 of the holdings in the county of Møre and Romsdal had labour input corresponding to one full-time equivalent or more in 1999. This represents more than half of all holdings with agricultural area in use. It is the final figures from the 1999 census of Agriculture that show this.

At total the labour input corresponded to 6 300 full-time equivalent in agriculture and horticulture. At half of the 5 000 holdings there were a labour input at one full-time equivalent or more. One out of five holdings had a labour input that corresponded to two full-time equivalent or more.

Almost every second of the male holders worked 1 500 hours or more at the holding, while about 13 per cent of the female holders worked that much. On the other hand 38 per cent of the male holders and 25 per cent of the females worked 1 500 hours or more off the holding.

One of three holdings shut down

5 000 holdings operated at least 5 decares agricultural land in 1999. Since 1989 the number of holdings has fallen about 33 per cent. It was the minor holdings that shut down the farming, and the number of holdings which operated less than 50 decares has fallen 63 per cent. The remaining holdings have become bigger and the number of holdings that operated 200 decares or more has been doubled since 1989. In 1999 the average holding operated 123 decares land. This represented an increase of 43 decares since 1989.

Small changes in livestock

The census in 1999 shows that there were small changes in the number of cattle, breeding pigs and sheep. The number of dairy cows has decreased by 5 000, while the number of other cattle has increased accordingly. The number of holdings with livestock has fallen, and the size of the livestock has increased.

Nine out of ten holdings with agricultural land in use operated one or another kind of animal production.

Every fifth farmer is single

Out of 5 000 holdings with personal holders, every fifth holder was single. This was the same part as in 1989.

The average age of the farmer in county of Møre and Romsdal fell from 49,7 years in 1989 to 48,5 years in 1999. The number of holders elder than 59 years represented a less part of the total number of holders, while the 50-years-old represented a greater part than ten years before.

30 per cent got title to property since 1990

4 700 of the holders owned the land themselves. 1 300 or less than 30 per cent of the owners got title to the property after 1989. In each of the ten-year periods 1980-1989 and 1970-1979 about the same number of holders got title to the properties as in the 90's.

Other results

In its survey of the various conditions in the agricultural industry the Census of Agriculture ranges widely. For more information, please refer to the appendix of tables and municipality data. Contact Statistics Norway for more information or to have the data arranged differently.
