Decrease in total grain yield
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
korn, Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields, farming, grain, wheat, barley, oats, ryeAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields2002, preliminary figures



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Decrease in total grain yield

The total grain yield in 2002 was 1.17 million tons, a decrease of 4 per cent from 2001. Including all grain crops, average grain yield per decare was 364 kilos, compared with 380 kilos in 2001. The total grain area in 2002 was 3.2 million decares.

Total grain production, 1000 tons. 1989, 1995-2002*

Yield per decare. 1989, 1995-2002*

A total of 272 500 tons of wheat, 600 000 tons of barley and 284 900 tons of oats were harvested in 2002. Most grain was grown in the counties Akershus, Østfold and Hedmark, accounting for 56 per cent of the grain area and 57 per cent of the total grain crop.

Average decare yield of wheat for the entire country was calculated to 431 kilos in 2002. The largest yield per decare was achieved in Hedmark, about 60 kilos more than in Østfold and Vestfold. In Østfold wheat was grown on more than one third of the grain area in 2002, while nearly half of the grain area in Vestfold was sown with wheat.

Holdings with grain and oil seeds. 1989, 1995-2002*

The average decare yield of oats was reduced from 400 to 365 kilos per decare. The area of oats sown was reduced by 46 000 decares to 781 000 decares in 2002.

The average decare yield of barley was reduced by 20 kilos to 340 kilos. The barley area increased by 41 000 decares to 1.77 million decares in 2002.

The number of holdings growing grain and oil seeds was reduced by 1 000 from 2001 to 18 400 in 2002. The number of small farm is constantly decreassing and the number of holdings with at least 200 decares of grain area is increasing. The average grain area per holding increased from 105 decares in 1989 to 174 decares in 2002.
