Decrease in total grain yield
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
korn, Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields, farming, grain, wheat, barley, oats, ryeAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Cereals and oil seeds, area and yields2006, preliminary figures



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Decrease in total grain yield

The total production of grain in 2006 is calculated to 1.2 million tonnes, a decrease of 9 per cent from 2005. The total grain area came to 3.1 million decares in 2006.

Total production of wheat, barley and oats. 1995-2006*. 1000 tonnes

Yield per decare. 1995-2006*. Kg

The total grain harvest consisted of 389 700 tonnes of wheat, 552 400 tonnes of barley, 258 400 tonnes of oats and of 60 400 tonnes of rye and triticale in 2006.

Average decare yield of wheat for the entire country was calculated to 460 kilos in 2006. The average decare yield of barley was 369 kilos, and for oats 355 kilos.

The number of holdings growing grain has been reduced from 24 000 in 1997 to 15 400 in 2006. In the same period, the average grain area per holding increased from 141 decares to 208 decares.
