Considerable price variation in rented agricultural land
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
lu, Sample survey of agriculture and forestry, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, farming, supplementary industries (for example camp sites, hunting and fishing rights, rental), labour input, maintenance, machines and tools, energy consumption, investmentsAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Rental of agricultural land. Number of farm buildings.

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry2013, preliminary figures



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Considerable price variation in rented agricultural land

An increasing percentage of holdings are renting agricultural land. The average rent paid per decare of agricultural land increased by 12 per cent from 1999 to 2013, measured in fixed 2013 prices. Price levels are subject to large regional variations.

Farm buildings and rental of agricultural area
Corrected 15 January 2015.
Base area of the farm buildings, square metre28 905 00024 200 000
Average base area of the farm buildings, square metre220323
Holdings with rented agricultural area, number38 74627 100
Average driving distance to the field located furthest away, km3.26.5

In 2013, 4.3 million decares, or 44 per cent of the total agricultural area in use, was rented land. In 1999, this proportion was 31 per cent. In 2013, 60 per cent of the rented area was provided with a written contract. Also here were there great regional variations. Nearly 80 per cent of the rented area in the county of Østfold was provided with a written contract, as opposed to 33 per cent in Telemark.

Considerable cost variation

About 72 per cent of the rented agricultural land was being paid for in 2013. The average rent paid per decare was NOK 234, which is 12 per cent more than in 1999 measured in fixed 2013 prices. The average rent paid per decare among counties varied from NOK 366 per decare in Vestfold to NOK 63 per decare in Finnmark. All kinds of agricultural land are taken into account, including surface-cultivated land and infield pasture.

Larger farm buildings

The number of farm buildings in use by the holdings totalled 75 000 in 2013. The aggregate base area of all the buildings amounted to 34.2 million m2. On average, the size of the farm buildings was 320 m2, which is about 100 m2 larger than in 1999. About 31 per cent of the buildings were built before 1950, while 14 per cent were erected after 2000.

More loose housing in dairy barns

In 2013, holdings rearing dairy cows could accommodate a total of 283 100 cows. Of these, 54 per cent were stalled in stanchion places and 46 per cent were put in loose housing. In comparison, only 9 per cent of the cows were put in loose housing barns in 1999. About 15 per cent of all holdings with milk production had an automatic milking system in 2013.