Decreasing investments in agriculture
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
lu, Sample survey of agriculture and forestry, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, farming, supplementary industries (for example camp sites, hunting and fishing rights, rental), labour input, maintenance, machines and tools, energy consumption, investmentsAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
Investments in buildings and machinery in agriculture. Energy consumption in agriculture

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry2015, preliminary figures



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Decreasing investments in agriculture

Thirteen per cent of agricultural holdings invested in farm buildings in 2014, which is a drop of two percentage points from 2011. Converted to 2014 prices, the investment amount per holding was NOK 601 000 in 2014 and NOK 583 000 in 2011.

Investment in farm buildings and machinery and implements for agriculture and horticulture. Fixed 2014-kroner
Holdings, total41 80044 800
Holdings with investment in farm buildings (per cent)1315
Investment per holding with investment (NOK)601 000583 000
Holdings with investment in machinery and implements (per cent)3132
Investment per holding with investment (NOK)196 000229 000

Investments in buildings and equipment in buildings amounted to NOK 3.2 billion in 2014; a decrease of 19 per cent from 2011 converted to 2104 prices. Holdings with dairy production represented 29 per cent of the total investments in farm buildings in 2014. Farms with pig and poultry as the main production had the largest investments per holding at NOK 972 000, while farms with sheep and farms with cereals and oil seed had the smallest average investments.

Leasing of buildings and equipment in buildings amounted to NOK 98 million in 2014.

About 80 per cent of the holdings had maintenance expenditures on the farm buildings in 2014. The total maintenance expenditures totalled NOK 1.5 billion, or NOK 47 000 per holding with maintenance.

Increase in investments in machinery and implements

Investments in machinery and implements for agriculture and horticulture amounted to NOK 2.5 billion in 2014. About 31 per cent of the holdings invested in new or second-hand machinery and implements. Corresponding figures for 2011 and 2008 were 32 and 29 per cent respectively. The average investment per holding with investments in 2014 was NOK 196 000.

Leasing of machinery amounted to NOK 741 million in 2014. The holdings with leasing contracts paid an average of NOK 103 000 in leasing fees in 2014.

Total consumption of electricity decreased

The total consumption of electricity in agriculture and horticulture fell from 982 million kWh in 2011 to 929 million kWh in 2014. The consumption per holding decreased by 1 000 kWh to 22 000 kWh.

The consumption of diesel per holding was 3 200 litres in 2014, almost the same as in 2011. The energy consumption is not adjusted for holdings for which no information is available, and energy consumption in greenhouses is not included in the figures.