Decline in energy consumption
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
lu, Sample survey of agriculture and forestry, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, farming, supplementary industries (for example camp sites, hunting and fishing rights, rental), labour input, maintenance, machines and tools, energy consumption, investmentsAgriculture , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Sample survey of agriculture and forestry2006, preliminary figures



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Decline in energy consumption

The total consumption of electricity and diesel in agriculture and horticulture was lower in 2005 than in 2001. Due to an increase in holding sizes, the average consumption per holding increased, however.

The total consumption of electricity in agriculture and horticulture decreased from 1.22 billion kWh in 2001 to 1.11 billion kWh in 2005. The decline in the number of agricultural holdings is a major explanation for the decline in the consumption of electricity. At the same time, the total agricultural area is more or less unchanged and the average size of agricultural holdings has increased. The average consumption per holding increased by 2 000 kWh to 24 000 kWh from 2001 to 2005.

The total consumption of diesel in agriculture and horticulture was 127 million litres in 2005, against 129 million litres in 2001. The consumption of diesel per holding increased by about 18 per cent.

Energy consumption in greenhouses is not included.
