Increase in sea catch of salmon
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
sjofiske, Sea catches of salmon and sea trout, catch, escaped farm fishFishing , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
The statistics refer to salmon and sea trout caught using wedge-shaped seine and bend nets. The total catch of wild salmon and sea trout in Norwegian fjords amounted to 216 tonnes in 2014.

Sea catches of salmon and sea trout2013/2014



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Increase in sea catch of salmon

The total catch of wild salmon and sea trout in Norwegian fjords amounted to 216 tonnes in 2014. This is 21 tonnes, or 11 per cent, more than in 2013.

Sea catch of salmon and sea trout.
KiloPer centNumber
20142013 - 20142009 - 20142014
Catch, total216 05711-2659 929
Salmon, total212 92711-2558 581
Less than 3 kg72 8071755132 092
3-7 kg92 341-17-3221 358
over 7 kg47 779-12-525 131
Sea trout3 13034-591 348

The average weight of salmon was 3.6 kg in 2014, compared with 4.6 kg the year before. Thirty-four per cent of the salmon caught weighed under 3 kg, 43 per cent was between 3 and 7 kg and 22 per cent was over 7 kg.

Increase in Finnmark catch

Finnmark is the most important county for sea catches of salmon, with a total catch of 120 tonnes in 2014. This is an increase of 22 per cent compared with the year before, and made up 56 per cent of the total catch of salmon in Norway.

Smaller catch of escaped farmed fish

In the coastal counties from Rogaland to Troms fishing for escaped farmed fish is permitted. The time period for this type of fishing is between 5 August and 28 February. The total catch in 2013/2014 was nearly 5.0 tonnes, of which 4.6 tonnes were salmon and 0.1 tonnes were sea trout. This is 33 per cent less than the previous period. The average weight for salmon was 3.7 kg, and 2.5 kg for sea trout.