Less forest planting
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogkultur, Silviculture, forest planting, seeding forest tending, ditching, fertilisation, ground preparation, government subsidies, spraying, tidyingForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing




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Less forest planting

Less forest area have been planted during the last years. A total of 160 000 decares were planted in 2002, a decline of 23 000 decares from the year before. In the eighties and the beginning of the nineties 300 000 decares were planted yearly.

Forest planting. Number of decares planted. 1991-2002.

Except from Akershus and Oslo, Hedmark and Vest-Agder, forest planting declined in all counties. Most forest area was planted in Hedmark, with a total of 30 000 decares. Forest planting is still the biggest single investment within silviculture. The total costs for new planting and supplementary planting in Norway amounted to NOK 121 million in 2002.

More scarification

Area for scarification increased last year. A total of 83 200 decares were scarificated in 2002, an increase of 15 100 decares from 2001. Nearly 50 per cent of the scarification was carried out in Hedmark.

Chemicaley clearing and weed combating. 1999-2001.

Less spraying

The use of eradicants in forestry has dropped in recent years. The area sprayed went down from 11 400 decares in 2001 to 9 600 decares in 2002. There can be many reasons for the decline: greater environmental awareness, restrictions on use and reduced subsidies.

Decline in drainage

In 2002, 3 900 decares were drained, a decline of 200 decares from the year before. Most drainage was done in Nord-Trøndelag with 2 300 decares.
