Value added in forestry increased by NOK 1.1 billion
Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing
skogregn, Aggregate account of forestry (discontinued), forestry products, forestry services, gross product, operating profitForestry , Agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing

Aggregate account of forestry (discontinued)2007



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Value added in forestry increased by NOK 1.1 billion

In 2007, the value added in primary forestry is estimated to NOK 5.4 billion, an increase of 1.1 billion from 2006.

Forest products delivered during the year. 2007

The value added is defined as output less intermediate consumption. See About the statistics for further description. The rise in the value added was due to both gained quantity of timber sold and raised average timber prices in 2007. The aggregated gross value of the roundwood sold to the manufacturing industry rose by NOK 761 million from 2006 to 2007.

Forest product amounted to NOK 5.8 billion

In 2007, the primary forestry delivered forest products amounting to NOK 5.8 billion. The aggregated gross value of industrial roundwood totalled NOK 3.1 billion. The volume of the growing stock increases annually and the value of the net annual increment from 2006 to 2007 are estimated to NOK 1.7 billion. In addition, harvested fuel wood for sale and consume on farms amounted to NOK 311 million.

The primary forestry purchased goods and services from forestry related service industries for a total of NOK 1.1 billion in 2007. Services delivered by forest contractors amounted to NOK 950 million.

Hunting value estimated to NOK 463 million

The meat value of felled game defined as part of forestry is estimated to NOK 463 million in 2007. The value of the moose hunting is estimated to NOK 300 million.

Revision of the 2000-2007 figures

Aggregate account of forestry, logging and related service activities is revised back to 2000. It is emphasised doing this revision by the guideline of National Account. Due to this, the value of the net annual increment and the value of logging and related service activities are defined as output in the account. Nevertheless, there are still some discrepancies from the value added for primary forestry in National Account.
